Chapter Eighteen

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"Tomlinson, don't you dare," Annabelle threatened viciously.

Her hair was wet and matted against her back as she slowly backed away from Louis, who had an evil glint in his eye. To her dismay, her back hit the edge of the pool on the shallow end, and Annabelle widened her eyes at the mischievous boy in front of her. In an instant, Louis grabbed her under the arm pits and launched her into the deep end of the pool, cackling madly as she flailed her arms helplessly before sinking into the water.

I joined in his laughter, my legs dangling into the water as I watched the scene unfold. Annabelle surfaced shortly after she was launched into the water with a murderous look on her face and a deadly glare directed at Louis. They were too similar. Both of them being together was like there being two Annabelle's, and let me tell you: the world doesn't necessarily have enough room for two Annabelle's. Amused by their behavior, I let out a low whistle.

"You've sure done it now, Lou," I warned, a grin on my face despite the words.

Zayn glanced at me from the other end of the pool, where he was stretched comfortably across a lounge chair. He raised his eyebrows and lowered his sunglasses, giving me a pointed look. "I wouldn't tease him, Ari, or you might be the next Taylor getting thrown into the water."

Louis gave me a sideways grin that told me he was considering what Zayn had put into his thoughts, and I took the opportunity to scramble up and get my legs out of the pool. While Lou had been studying me jokingly, Annabelle inched over to him and jumped onto his back, shoving his head under the water in retaliation. I laughed at their antics and trailed back towards the grill, hoping that the food would be ready soon.

Niall stood with his back to me, the bikini-body apron on top of his clothes again. I walked over quietly, and then snaked my arms around his waist, my chest flush against his back. With my cheek pressed against his shoulder, I felt Niall tense under my touch, but he continued to flip the burger on the grill. My eyes trained on the food; he had stacked the grill with steak, burgers, and hot dogs that sizzled under the heat and left the aroma to float into the summer air.

"Did you know that my favorite thing about you is the fact you can grill?" I told my boyfriend slowly, completely comfortable leaning against him. "Burgers have to be my favorite food."

Niall turned his body so his arm was around my shoulders and he was glancing down at me with his eyebrows up. I took a moment to ogle at him, slightly breathless at how attractive his strong jawline was, or how vibrant his blue eyes were. "That's your favorite thing about me? Not my insanely good looks, or my unparalleled smarts?"

I could try to be cute and flirt with him.

But instead, I snorted.

"I change my mind; it's your humbleness that really wins me over." I mutter, rolling my eyes at him.

Niall chuckled and turned his attention back onto the grill, tending to my precious burgers. I unwrapped myself from him and settled in the lounge chair beside him, eyes drifting back to Annabelle and Louis, who were in the middle of a splashing war. Harry and Liam were inside watching the soccer game, per usual, and Zayn was enjoying the nice weather with Niall, Anna, Louis, and I.

"Ariana, make him stop messing with me for like, one minute!" Annabelle gasped from the water, a smile on her face despite her words. "Louis, knock it off before I beat you!"

I chuckled and called back, "The only day he'll stop tormenting you is your birthday. Maybe not even then."

Louis and Anna went at it for a few more minutes before he grew tired and withdrawaled from their fight, calling a temporary truce. I shook my head, chuckling at the two: they were like two siblings that were the happiest when they were on each other's nerves.

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