Chapter Twenty Two

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"Are you sure this is what you want?"

I nodded, and then let out a breath. "I understand if the offer still isn't on the table, but I just need to get out. With or without your help."

Liam shook his head. "No, I will take care of everything. I just want to make sure you're sure..."

I glanced at the empty room and nodded. "I'm sure."

"Okay then," Liam said, bringing my attention back to him. "Your flight leaves tomorrow at four, and I'll have the movers bring everything over to a storage place near your aunts house."

I thanked Liam again and showed him out. When I turned around, Annabelle had left her room and now stood behind me, a small smile on her face. I knew she didn't want to move, and I knew that it was hard for her. She was leaving behind a guy she liked and some friends she had become close with, but she didn't once complain.

I told her that we were going to move in with aunt Rachel when I got back from Niall's house. The last thing I wanted was to be around the area where everything reminded me of him, and Annabelle understood. I don't think I would've had us move if she objected the idea just once, but she never spoke up against it. She just packed her bags and helped the movers put our furniture into the van.

"I'm going out with Rob, is that okay?" Annabelle asks me tentatively, as if I might break if I'm alone.

Forcing a smile, I nod. "Have fun."

She hesitates before slipping out the front door, and the moment she does, I let out a breath. It comes out shaky and uneven, and I slide to the floor, my back against the wall. Drawing my knees up to my chest, I hug them against me and rest my chin on my knee.

The boys left for tour in two days, and I left for Florida tomorrow. I haven't seen Niall in three days, since he last told me to get out, and that he and I were over. My heart hurt immensely, and I tried for Anna to keep a positive mood but to no avail.

After twenty minutes of sitting there, I decided to go to the bar and give a notice of my move. Pulling myself up, I dragged myself to my car and then went off to the bar. Again, I kept the radio off, unable to listen to the lyrics about romance and love and everything I didn't have.

The hole in my heart had only gotten bigger with time. It hurt to see the other boys because it reminded me of Niall. The bracelet he had given me was hidden in a box on a moving truck, kept away from my sight. I didn't want to throw it out, but I couldn't look at it without my chest hurting.

When I got to the bar, I looked like a mess. My hair was in a bun, I was in a tank top and sweat pants, and there wasn't a trace of makeup on my face. Without caring, I walk into the bar and see that it's mostly empty, but an annoyingly familiar face is behind the counter.

I walk up to Brad and ask, "Where's Thomas?"

"He hasn't come in yet," Brad answers coolly, and then looks me up and down. "What's up with you?"

None of your damn business. "Can you call me or something when he gets here?"

"He should be in any minute."

I nod and take a seat at the bar, and glance around. There were less than ten individuals scattered around bar stools and tables, no one really talking to each other. I figured they were all here to drown their sorrows early today. When my gaze ended up on the counter, I noticed Brad was still standing there, watching me.

"What do you want?" I ask, exasperated.

He studies me for a minute, cleaning a glass with his rag. "Is there something wrong?"

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