Chapter Twenty Nine

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Being the only one on the tour buses not performing means I'm the only one with pent up energy that doesn't get released by dancing around onstage, or running from fans. But, even though they did dance onstage and run from fans, the boys still tried their hardest to keep up with me. Take tonight, for example.
The boys had played their second concert in two days in South Carolina tonight. It ended around eleven at night, and it took us until midnight to make it back to the hotel. The boys and I picked up dinner from a fast food place before we sat in the living room area of the new penthouse room - equally as beautiful as the last two - talking.

Ultimately, I got restless, and the bumping of my leg turned into rambling, and then into jumping around the room, until Niall finally dealt with it. That is, if 'dealing with it' means that he and Harry agreed to walk me down to the beach in hopes to make me less rambunctious. So that's where we were right now: walking down to the beach at two in the morning, the chilly air nipping at my bare shoulders. For some reason, I thought my jeans and tank top would be enough to keep me warm in the middle of the night in November. Clearly, I was wrong.

"Do you guys think police patrol the beaches? If they do, then they probably stop by this time of night. Right? I mean, cops need sleep too." I ramble, and then pause as my eyes widen. "Unless they have the night shift. Then they'd totally patrol the beaches."

Harry and Niall laugh at me, and Harry assures, "You won't get in any trouble, don't worry about it."

I look over at Harry and can hardly see his face, but can completely see the outline of his curls. A huge grin slides into my face as I reach out and fluff his hair, singing, "Thanks, curls."

Harry swats my hand away and whines, "Don't mess with the hair."

We stepped onto the wooden pathway to the beach and I looked up to see Niall a few steps ahead of me. His back was clad in a fitted black cotton shirt that showed the toned muscles underneath. Harry was walking behind me, so I jogged to my boyfriend and fell into step beside him. Niall glanced down at me with his eyebrows raised, and I gave him a smile.

We walked onto the beach together, but I quickly left the boys to run towards the water. I kicked my shoes off somewhere along the way and kept running until my feet were sinking into the wet sand, inches away from where the tide was rolling in. Sticking my foot into the water, I noticed it wasn't that cold, despite the time of year. I caught my breath with my hands on my hips as I gaze out into the still, moonlit water.

"You finally done being so rambunctious?" A deep, sexy Irish voice questioned beside me. I turned my head to look at Niall, who was watching the water with a smirk forming on his lips. "You're like a puppy."

I can't help but smile a little bit, my gaze lingering on his handsome face before I turned back toward the water. "A cute puppy."

In my peripheral vision, I could see Niall's smirk change into a full grin, and he looked at me. "Oh, of course. A very cute puppy."

"Yes, this calmed me down," I answered his original question as the waves lapped against our feet. "I'm done being a rambunctious puppy. Thank you." I turn to Niall and show him my smile too.

His eyes twinkle even at two in the damn morning.

Harry claps Niall and I on the back, and leans his head in between us. "Why hello, you two. I have an idea."

I turn my attention to Harry, and look at his face expectantly. He leans back and walks in front of us with the water up to his calf before Harry looks at us again.

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