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"Aisley I need to ask you something."

"This again?"

"Yeah but it isn't what I said last time."

"Okay, following previous events I shall reply to your statement with 'okay shoot'."

"Do you like tea or coffee more?"

"Neither, mochas for the win."

"I sometimes forget that I have to actually order a drink instead of just talking to you."

"Well this place is hiring so I you wanted to..."

"Great! When do I start?"

"I don't actually know, ask the manager because I'm obviously not allowed to employ people-"

"The manager's my Dad's friend so it's probably fine."

"You should still call him or something-"

"Great idea Aisley! What's with that grin?"

"You look like a child at Christmas."

"And that is bad because?"

"It isn't bad, it's just extremely adorable- oh crap ignore what I just said! Don't smirk! Asshole."

"You love me secretly."

"Eh in the bottom of my heart."

"I knew it!"

"Knew what?"

"You do love meee!"

"Fuck. You."

"Anytime babe."

"Ew, no don't make that face."

"You want it."

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."

Tch, Aisley my poor innocent fictional character <3

I've actually written up to chapter seventeen so double updates for a while I guess xD

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