Chapter 5

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After about five minutes of awkward silence and stares, lunch went back to normal. His words replayed in my mind.

"Sure you wanna mess with the badboy princess?" And that was the thing... I wasn't sure if I wanted to mess with the badboy. I mean it's just one little video and besides its already out there and it's not like my life could get any worse than it already is.

"Are you gonna talk?" Selena asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head no and began picking at the lasagna on my plate. I could feel her stare on me and looked up to meet it which was bad because behind her I also got the unpleasant view of Ashley and Kody. I suddenly lost my appetite.

"Well at least tell me what happened?! What did you do?" I simply shook my head no again. "Come on your acting like a stubborn five year old!" She threw her hands in the air attracting the attention of nosy students looking for gossip.

"Ugh fine now keep your voice down I don't need anymore attention drawn towards me." I gave up with the silent game.

"You wanna go to the library and talk it is pretty er how do I put it... awkward in here." Selena suggested with a shrug.
I looked over to Matthew who simply nodded aim approval.

"Alright." I said as we got up and left and just as I opened the cafeteria door Kody's eyes met mine and Ashley noticed causing her to send me daggers. I looked away.


I was currently standing outside my moms door waiting for the last few students to leave. It was the end of the school day and I'd normally be hitching a ride home from Matthew but my mom has decided it's about time for me to start driving again. After all It is my sophomore year and the most I've done was read the first five pages of the drivers Ed book. Freshman year was another story though. I had my own car and used to drive around all the time until of course it got wrecked and we couldn't pay the expenses.

"Hey honey." My mom said as I opened her room door.

"Hey mom." I replied, "So how late are you planning to stay?"

"Well I've got tutoring in lab 21 and the academic team meeting so I'll be done around 4:30." She said while typing something on her computer. "Keys are in my purse she added gesturing to the designer bag that lay next to her on the floor.

"Okay." Thanks mom. I said smiling and walking away but she was too busy with grades to respond.

I walked to the parking lot and unlocked the car placing my backpack in the passenger seat. I adjusted the seat and fixed the rear view mirror and was just putting my seatbelt on when's. knock sounded on the window. I looked up to find Ashley and reluctantly rolled my window down. What does she want?

"Hey there Braelee." She said my name with such disgust and hatred yet I've never even made an attempt to talk to her all my life.

"Hi." I responded vaguely.

"I hear you've been talking with Kody huh?"

"Uh I don't know who told you that because I for one am n-"

"Save it!" She spat bringing her voice to an evil growl. "You will stay away him and he will be mine. Is that understood?" She snarled.

I fought the urge to cuss that bitch out. I don't want that jerk anyways. She can have him. I'm not competition nor a threat anyways. "Yes." I said weakly. What else could I have said? I don't need to argue or cause any troubles over something as stupid as this when she has it all misunderstood.

She turned and scurried away when she noticed someone else coming.

"Hey there Princess. I hope your mom told you, you're taking me home too!"

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