Chapter five

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Wen they got home Jeff and Krystal went to check on the renovations wen they walked in "holy shit!"Krystal said as slendy ran in "so do you like it? Do you like the bloodstaines?"slendy asked "like it? I love it!"Krystal said as Jeff and Krystal took off their bloody hoodies and went to play left 4 dead on their Xbox as Ben knocked on the door "come in!"Krystal said as Ben walked in "so I heard you guys been playing left 4 dead lately I wanna watch"Ben said as Jeff and Krystal continued playing "holy crap Krystal you are gangster with that katana!"Ben said Krystal smiled as Jeff went to go get some soda while they play "oh thanks Jeff yum orange soda!"Krystal said as they continued later Ben Krystal and Jeff all passed out slendy came in and put Jeff and Krystal in bed and carried Ben to his room wen they woke up "what should we do today Jeff?"Krystal asked "well maybe slendy can take us to GameStop and we can buy a game"Jeff said as they ate breakfast after breakfast Jeff went to slendy "hey slendy can you take me and Krystal to GameStop to get some games?"Jeff asked as slendy got the car Keyes Jeff and Krystal got in the car and they drove to GameStop Krystal got borderlands and Jeff got left 4 dead 2 they payed and went home

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