Chapter nine

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"So where are my patients?"korbyn said as slender led them to Jeff and Krystal "holy shit okay I need my bag and some pain killers and bandages asap"korbyn said as Lisa got all the supplies as korbyn numbed Krystal she started to sew up the wound "i-is she okay?"Jeff asked in pain korbyn nodded as Jeff went back to sleep she then made her way to Jeff and did the same one week later Korbyn had kept Krystal and Jeff on pain killers after they heal Jeff and Krystal ran away to go try and live on their own and kill on their own slendy didn't want that after all they are just kids slendy walked in to check on Jeff and Krystal "holy crap!!"slendy said as Ben came "what what happened slendy!?"Ben said "Jeff and Krystal are gone!!"slendy said "okay everyone I need a full search we need to find them before they get out of town"Ben said as everyone left the house they searched in the forests left right up and down but there was no sign of Jeff or Krystal so they kept searching eventually they found them lying against a tree sleeping e.j tied them up just in case and brought them to slendy "slendy I found them"e.j whispered as slendy patted him on the head and grabbed them with his tentacles and started walking home wen they got home slender untied them and lyed them down in their beds and waited for the painkillers to wear off the next day Jeff and Krystal woke up "ugh what the hell happened?"Jeff asked as Krystal got up and they walked out in the living room "oh glad to see you guys are feeling better!"korbyn said "who the hell are you!?"Krystal asked "oh I'm sorry I'm korbyn jumping eagle the seer!"korbyn said

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