Chapter eleven

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The next morning Jeff and Krystal woke up before anybody because they wanted to be alone for a while they went out to get some breakfast the ate some pancakes wen they were eating "uh Krystal I wanted to ask you something"Jeff said as Krystal was waiting for the question "i...i wanna be with you"Jeff said as Krystal swallowed "so do I Jeff I felt that way ever since we met"Krystal said putting her hand on top of Jeff's they both blushed as they went in to their room and played left 4 dead 2 they played for a while they leaned in for a kiss wen bens alarm went off on his phone Ben quickly went to his computer to see what was going on what he saw he had to videotape it to show slendy as soon as the kiss was over Jeff and Krystal walked out holding hands and blushing "soooo you guys a couple?"Ben asked "u-uhh m-maybe"Jeff and Krystal said as they blushed a bright red "that's what i thought plus why are you two up this early its 5:00 am what the hell!"Ben said as Krystal and Jeff shrugged the couple went into their room to play some more as Ben took the casset and went to slendy "sleeenddddyyyyy!"Ben said running into his room "what Benjamin!"slendy said making more fucking pages "you need to fucking look at this"Ben said as he put the casset in the player "I knew this would happen Ben can you go get Jeff and Krystal"slendy said as Ben left the room to go get them a few moments later Jeff and Krystal walked in "yeah slendy?"Krystal said "so I hear that you two are a couple"slendy said Jeff and Krystal's eyes widened "yeah we are"Jeff said "well I have something important to tell you"sleazy said

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