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I woke yet again but this time I'm being dragged along a smooth stone corridor. Black stone with no windows? What kind of place is this? The ultimate Goth must live here something.

I weakly began to struggle against the men's grasp, which were pulling me down into this gloomy place. They just tightened their grips on me. My struggles fruit less. But I'm quite weak.

Reaching the end of the passageway there was a huge throne, made of more black stone, granite I think. Jeez this guy needed to open his mind to some other colours or at least materials, add a bit of contrast to his home. Or what ever this place is. I have really no idea what I'm doing here.

Sitting on the throne, probably the owner of the huge place, Was a guy. He looked like a total jerk face. Although he was also extremely fit, golden sex hair, sky blue eyes and a toned body, perfect to run you're hands down.

But just because he was ultra hot didn't mean i liked him. And as he'd just kidnaped me, kind of showed that maybe he wasn't the nicest guy ever.

The guy waved his hand at the guards behind me, a lazy gesture. He couldn't be bothered to wave both hands at his Hench-men. As the guys left one gave me a shove. I was quite strong, but this guy, who'd pushed me, was inhumanly strong. The shove pushed me forward so fast and hard that I hit my face with a crunch on the stone floor. Pain raced through my face, attacking my whole body as a kick to my back, signified the other man's departure. Leaving me alone with the man on the throne.

A few minutes later I felt stable enough to sit up with out the feeling that I would just crash back down on the floor.

My face lifted from the cool granite, I looked up this beautiful man. My face gushing blood onto his floor, in a slow drip, drip, drip...

We sat there frozen in that exact positions for what felt like hours, staring into each others eyes a battle for dominance, the first to look away or blink would be the weak one the one to break the bond.

My eyes stung the need to blink inching and scrambling round my brain.

There the movement was so fast, surely he wouldn't notice? A smile, malicious and deadly spread across the before emotionless face. He had noticed. God damn it!

He had won. My gaze left his face and onto the dark stone. Anywhere but the deadly person sitting in front of me causing me all this pain. Although it was nothing on what I had faced before.

There's an idea, what if he's taking me away from my father? I would love this man forever if he was. But no one ever wants me. I'm worthless. Useless. A waste of space. Fat, ugly and a mistake. Who would want me? Nothing short of a mad man.

But what if this was my mad man? Come to collect me from the dragons that were my life. That made up my problems: my father, my school, my grades. But mainly my mistakes are my worst problems. Because you can't change the past.

And thats my biggest problem.

But no one can help that, can they?

Demon- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now