Fresh Blood

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Louis' POV

I stared down at the surprisingly beautiful boy my father's men had placed before me. He was apparently a gift from my father. He knew that I didn't really like owning slaves, but that's probably why he gave me him. My father and me did not get on very well, probably because we only really saw each other, privately, once a month if I was lucky. But then again I didn't really enjoy seeing him, he was a horrible selfish, ugly, cruel, I'll stop there or I will go on for a long time, with some... colourful language.

The boy looked about my age maybe a bit younger. He was handsome, although from the look on his face I'm pretty sure he didn't like me. No surprise there though as the guards probably had been quite rough on him, they wouldn't care they hurt him or not, all though he didn't look too damaged. But I know that if I am too nice to him my father will have him secretly hurt just to upset me, now can you see why I don't like him? He is not nice...

He's manipulative, cruel, selfish, cold blooded and I hate him.

The guards looked at me expectantly, waving them away with the flick of my hand. I left to go to a more more warm room that was abit less likely for some one just to barge in and then wonder why i was chatting to a slave. That would probably cause the boy quite a few problems, which would be all my fault and I’d only just met him

And why should i give his father that kind of satisfaction, but then paying allot of attention and always being busy to be my fathers 'pet'. Silently weighing it up in my head and the boy would look good next to me. 

Jealousy sounded best at the moment and if he didn’t get attached then it would not matter if my father hurt the boy, he would always just be his slave a servant beneath me.

"Take him to be cleaned up," I said to the guards

Sitting the boy on a chair in my chamber after leaving him to Eleanor the maid who washed him got clean stuff for him to wear

Time for the fun to begin.

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