First Sight

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Louis pov
The beautiful boy flitched when I tryed to touch him. He was fearful of me already, I blamed my father his reputation followed me everywhere. I had to some how find a way to get him to trust me. baby steps, start with his name, I would get his birth one, not just give him, one work from there. I understood this could be a slow process but at the end I would have, hopefully, a loyal servant (maybe even a friend), my father never understood why I cared so much about what my servant thought of me. he thought that my time and such effort would not be worth the product, he was all about results.
He worked with an iron fist. His close servants mostly just feared him, but they were fiercely loyal, and with the kingdom in the state it was, with a different king there would be riots in the street. Where as father would stop them with a mire wave of his had. he was often harsh in punishments, and he never ever compromised. He knew how to keep people in line.
He was a good king, but not as a father.
I sat in my chair the warmth from the fire heated my cool flesh, it was a nice feeling although I never fully warmed up like humans, their hot blood, mmmm... Pumped frantically round their body, a fluttering heart, constantly trying to hold on to life.
Unlike most of my species I found this endearing, instead just giving in to the Hunger, but it is so tempting...
My thoughts interrupted by the loud thump at the heavy door.
Ahhh the servants with my new slave. Father was never good at picking presents.
Perfect timing.
I could put my plan into action.

Harry's pov

This was nothing like I had expected I had been tenderly washed, given soft new clothes, expensive looking, blue tunic and brown trousers, better quality than I had ever seen before. Followed by hot thick soup, creamy with tomatoes and spice.

Before being led to the prince's room. shoved in by the servant and left their alone. With the prince. Just the prince.

Quickly scanning the room he was in the comfy looking throne in front of the fire, where the prince reclined, his back to me.

Cautiously I scuttled forward, clutching the edge of my new sleeve to try to calm my shaking hands.

Silence filled the room awkwardly harry sat bowed, but still able to admire the wonderfully beautiful room, from the twisted carvings in the ceiling and intricate patterned rugs

"What is your name?" A calm voice said, splitting the silence.

I froze.

Could this be a trick question? How should I answer that? Worried thoughts flickered through my head. What would happen if I answered it wrong?

"Whatever you will it to be my lord."

Louis pov
Well that plan failed.
Back to the drawing board.

Sorry guys it's been kinda a long time since I last updated I think, keep messaging me directly to remind me. so this one is dedicated to Wazzup_Reader thanks for the reminder that actual people read this and how much I hate it when nothing updates. so in a vage attempt not to do that (is it too late?) here is another chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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