Plane Talks? (Chapter 13)

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The flight had nothing special to it. At all. It was boring. Very boring. I edited a video while I was there so I could just chill out when we landed. Well if I could. All I could think about is Troye. Everything cute thing about him. No flaws. No bad decisions. Just Troye. Perfect little Troye.

"A penny?" Caspar asked

It was good that we all had a carriage to ourselves so we could all talk without worrying if viewers or strangers could hear us. I was deep in my thoughts when I heard Caspars voice. I looked up to see all of my friends staring at me intently

"What do you mean?" I croaked

"What are you thinking about?" He added

"N-nothing. Just what's happened the past few days" I whispered. I put my head down so the others couldn't look at me in shame. But I could feel their eyes burning into my soul.

"Tyler, a few days ago, when we walked in on you and Troye..... Under the covers, was what you said true? Did you know we were coming up?" Marcus's voice was soft and caring. Not one I had heard often.

Nows the time. The time to come clean.

Me being in love with Troye was something I couldn't hold in anymore.

"No......" I felt a tear run down my face. Then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder

"What is the truth then Ty?" Caspar smiled at me so I could feel safe talking about it.

"You really want to know?" I laughed sarcastically and with a cold tear running down my red face.

They all nodded their heads in my direction letting me know that I had to answer. How was I meant to explain the crazy shit that's been going on? Let's give it a go then....

"Ok fine! You really want to know? Well fine here you go......... Me and Troye kissed, twice. Then me made out, we snuggled into each other at night, we had beautiful deep conversations! He told me I was perfect, I told him the exact same back! We nearly had sex! If you guys didn't come in then we probably would have done it. I'm in love with a random Australian YouTuber, Actor, singer and my best friend. He's perfect. The way he smiles. The way he does his hair. The way he sings, The way he says my name. That fucking Australian is Troye Sivan!" I snapped but instantly feeling bad for shouting

No one spoke. They were judging me. They were thinking I was so stupid to go after Troye. Why would Troye like a gay like me anyway? He was wayyy out of my league. Wow...... Well done Tyler you dumb shit!

"T-Tyler....... We've been trying to tell you this for fucking days! Troye does like you! You both like each other! You have kissed each other, you have made out and you've nearly had sex! You know Troye, you know he would never lead someone one then shut them down. We know for a FACT Troye likes you" Marcus sighed once he'd finished his mini speech.

"And how do you know that for certain?!" I snapped again. I'm getting tired of everyone's shit

"Because he told me, the day you fainted. He took me into the alley that you came into to meet us soon after and he told me that he felt something in the kiss. Like a fizz or a spark or something like that" Caspar looked at me dead in the eye again.

What? I froze. Troye.... Troye felt something.

He felt something....

So did I......

Do I tell him?

We kissed....


I HAVE TO TALK TO TROYE! and fast......


A/N :

Hey guys,

Number 1 - sorry this is very very late

Number 2 - sorry this is very very short.

I'll update soon and it will be better and longer so don't worry Guy!

Love you all and I'll see you soon

Byeeeee xxx

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