Hogwarts Express.

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"So he's back too then" Ron sighed as he slumped into the chair in the 8th year compartment.

"Don't be rude Ronald, He has as much right to return as you and I" Hermione retorted before taking her seat next to him on the uncomfortable benches.

"He's brave, I'll give him that" The ginger shrugged "Don't you mind him being here though? What if he's working on something again"

"Yes because him of all people has been chosen by the imprisoned death eaters as Voldemort's replacement" Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled a book of some sort out her bag. "Honestly, stop being so pathetic, he's probably going to school to, oh I don't know, learn? we weren't the only people...distracted last year"

"I still don't trust the git" Hermione ignored him and opened her book.

From somewhere up the train a roar of applause sounded and cheers and was followed by the door sliding open and a raven haired boy stepping inside the carriage.

"All hail the chosen one" Ron said stepping up and bowing to his friend. Harry jokingly pushed him as he sat opposite them.

"Please don't, all I wanted to do was talk to Ginny but everywhere I go it's 'Well done Harry' 'Are you really Harry Potter?' 'Can I have your autograph?'" Harry shook his head and rested it on the table.

"Harry mate your ego's getting too big" Ron smirked earning a glare from Harry as he sat back up. His eyes searched the compartment. It was big enough for the returning students with several tables that seated four students each. There wasn't many returning however. Hardly any Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws that Harry personally knew. Neville, Dean and Seamus all sat opposite Harry, Hermione and Ron making the six the only Gryffindors to return for an 8th year. One table, however, caught Harry's eye. 3 people sat alone completely ignoring each other and everyone else for that matter. Their green and black robes seemed odd and each of them looked strangely uncomfortable. Their confidence had been stripped as they knew their roles of royalty had been removed.

"I didn't know they were returning" Harry said turning back to face his friends.

"Oh not this again, Honestly why shouldn't they return?" Hermione sighed looking up from her book.

"I never said they shouldn't" Harry paused unable to find the right words "Brave though, I'll give them that" He turned around once more to find himself staring directly into the eyes of Draco Malfoy. They stayed like that a while, maybe a bit too long, before Malfoy lowered his gaze and turned towards the window.

"They haven't said a word the entire ride" Ron said pulling Harry out of his gaze. Harry shrugged and reached into his bag pulling out a pack of cards.

"Exploding snap?" He asked throwing the pack onto the table. Ron nodded, picking up the cards and drawing the attention of the other Gryffindor boys.

"2 galleons on Harry" Dean said placing the money on the table.

"You're mental, Ron's fantastic at exploding snap there's no way" Seamus replied placing a bet on Ron. Neville took the seat next to Harry and Hermione picked up her book and moved to a different table allowing the boys a better view of the game. Seamus slid into her now vacant seat and Dean perched on the the back of the bench between Harry and Neville.

Harry lost several matches losing Dean several galleons. He couldn't concentrate as he felt Malfoy's mercury eyes staring at him. He'd turned around several times and locked eyes with the blonde before Malfoy shrugged and turned back to the window.

After several games of exploding snap and a few games of wizard chess the train finally pulled up at the school. They all packed away their stuff and were about to stand up and exit the train when the compartment door slid open and the new headmistress, Professor Mcgonagall walked in.

"Welcome, It's so nice to see you returning to complete your final year" She met Harry's eyes and flashed him a smile before she continued. "Now seeing as Hogwarts have never housed 8th year students before there is simply not enough room in your previous dorms to house you, therefore we have made living arrangement for you on the third floor. You may take your robes off, they are not needed as your houses will no longer matter in their place you can wear whatever you please. Your rooms will be shared in twos and you'll find that we've provided you with a rather large common room, as for dining arrangements, a new table has been placed in the great hall for you all. Now if you don't mind, I believe I am needed elsewhere. I wish you all a great final year at Hogwarts" And with that she walked out.

"Great, not only are they back but we have to share a dorm with them" Ron complained picking up his bag.

"Oh shut up you blood traitor" A female voice spoke up silencing the whole cabin. They turned around to see Pansy Parkinson standing up fiddling aimlessly with her wand.

"Don't you think you owe Harry a bit of respect after your little stunt in the great hall" Hermione questioned stepping forward from behind the boys.

"What would you know you pathetic little mud-" She was cut off by Malfoy's hand on her shoulder.

"Don't" He whispered and she lowered her wand. Malfoy looked up at the golden trio with sorry eyes before his eyes locked onto Harry's just like they had done countless times on the train journey there. He nodded at Harry, it was a small gesture but it didn't go unnoticed by the raven haired boy as he returned the gesture. Malfoy dropped his gaze and grabbed his bag. "Come on" He said pulling her arm as Blaise followed them out the door.

The trio exchanged a look of confusion between them before leaving the compartment with everyone else.

"I think Malfoy's lost his mind 'Mione" Ron said as they made their way towards the carriages.

"He's always first to pull out that word, why would he stop her now?" Harry questioned.

"You seem to be forgetting that Malfoy had as much of a choice in his part of the war as Harry did, you're two sides of the same coin" She replied confidently, stepping into the carriage.

Ron turned to Harry. "Maybe she's lost her mind too" He laughed. Harry laughed back but couldn't help his eyes searching for the familiar blonde hair in the carriage in front of them. Malfoy was definitely different this year and Harry was determined to find out why.

Smile Sweetheart. ((Drarry fanfic))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora