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The hall went silent as the 8th years arrived. They made their way towards their new table even though they were still dressed in their house robes.

"It's Harry Potter" A first year Hufflepuff announced causing the hall to be flooded with claps and cheers as they sat down. Harry hid his head in his arms hiding his now bright red face.

"Yes, Harry Potter, The boy who lived, The chosen one, The defeater of The Dark Lord has returned to Hogwarts, step right up only 1 galleon to hear all his dirty secrets from the man who shared a room with him for not 1, not 2 but 7 whole years, Ron Weasley" Ron glanced over to the Slytherins sitting on the other side of the table "The pureblood who picked the right side" He added before sitting back down next to Harry. Pansy and Blaise sneered at him but Malfoy kept his head lowered and mumbled something to the other two causing them to lower their heads.

"Was that really necessary?" Hermione asked sitting opposite them.

"Very" Ron smirked. Harry groaned and buried his head deeper into his arms.

"Cheer up Harry, It could be worse" Neville smiled. Harry raised his head, his face still red from embarrassment. His eyes skimmed the table, the returning Gryffindors had gathered towards the left end of the table while the two Ravenclaws and three Hufflepuffs huddled in the middle leaving Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini sitting on the right end. Malfoy raised his head having sensed Harry's stare and met his eyes before Harry quickly turned back to his fellow Gryffindors.

The start of year feast was one of the best feasts of the year. The tables were filled with all sorts of wonderful food that everyone had trouble judging where to start, well everyone except Ron who just grabbed the first thing he saw. The feast was finished when Professor McGonagall took her place on the raised platform.

"Thank you everyone for joining me in another year at Hogwarts. I hope you all enjoyed your feast. Now it's time to welcome your new head boy and girl, Joshua Hughes and Faisah Thorpe. Congratulations. Now if the prefects from each house could stand and lead their house to their dorm. Gryffindor first followed by Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and finally Slytherin. I wish you all a fantastic year here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 8th years remain seated, I will personally escort you to your quarters"

Harry watched as the hall became empty and the plates and food disappeared. McGonagall made her way over to their table and waited for them to stand.

"Follow me please" She said as she walked out of the hall. "Mr Potter it's nice to see you've returned" She smiled as Harry walked up next to her.

"I'm delighted to be back professor"

"You know, Mr Potter, maybe you should consider becoming a permanent resident here" Harry stopped and attempted to register what she had just said.
"You mean become a teac-" Harry was cut off as they came to a stop outside a portrait Harry was certain he'd never seen before.

"Right students gather round. Your new quarters are just behind this painting, now you've all been sorted into twos and your names are presented above each door. All your items have already been dropped off as per usual and your timetables will be owled to you first thing tomorrow morning at breakfast. I hope by now you know all the meal times but just incase you don't there is a timetable on the wall of your common room. Now seeing as you're all adult wizards now your curfew has been raised to half 11. Now that seems to be all, the password is tiddlywinks. I'll see you all tomorrow morning at breakfast" And with that she left leaving the 8th years wondering what could be behind the painting.

"Go on then Harry open it" Ron said nudging Harry towards the door. Harry glared back at his friend. "What you are the chosen one aren't you" Ron laughed earning an elbow to the stomach from Harry.

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