♥who invented class?♥

17 2 0

~Cameron Dallas~

Coach blew the whistle and I stand up watching as Lizzie does the same. Since we didn't dress out I nod for her to follow me.

"So what class are you headed to next?" I question. She quickly takes out her schedule and hands it to me. I glance over it and notice that we have most classes together. Except for two. After I tell her this she nods but stays quiet.

I quickly pull her into an empty classroom, "Lizzie are you ok"

"I'm fine." That's all she says but I know what I will have to do.

"You know if you don't tell the truth I will have to tickle you till I find out what's really wrong."

Her eyes widen slightly but she scoffs. As if I won't do anything. I smirk and grab her by the waist pulling her into a small classroom.

Pinning her against the wall I lean in till we are centimeters apart and then....we kiss. Jk. Don't get ahead of yourselves.

I did what I told her to watch out for and tickled her.

"C-Cam ok ill-ill tell u." I stop and grab her waist steading her.

"So. explain. I don't want to be late."

"Who was that guy in the lockerroom that you got into a fight with."

Camerons smile dropped and it turned into a scowl. I felt his grip on me tighten and I raised an eyebrow.

"He's my brother."


Alright so its been like 10000000000 years since we've updated. And I hate to break it to you but kate has been to busy so I will continue with the fan fic on my own because I'm not just going to drop a book and forget it again. So enjoy and expect more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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