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Welcome to The Suicide Awareness Club! We're here to reach out to the ears of millions and hopefully with your help, that goal will be reached.

Suicide is a topic that I have always been particularly soft on considering that I have almost lost both myself and a friend to. It wasn't until my classmates began joking about it did I realize how important it was.

It isn't that they were never informed about it, it's the fact that they think that something like that could never happen to them or anyone they know. But do we ever truly know those who walk among us?

Do we know the demons they face? The everyday battles they have to face and the absolute struggle it is to just breathe?

Of course not. Because we don't ask and they don't tell. That's only the polite thing to do, right? At least that's the mindset we have made for ourselves. Maybe it's time for a change.

Maybe we need to learn to start asking more questions, being more considerate and sensitive. We need to help those around us who could--at any moment--brake.

And that is what we are here to help you do. We are here to help you share your story, reach others and tell them they are not alone. Give them a reason to breathe, a reason to take another step.

Can you help us help you? If so, send your stories and advice to thefallenweare@gmail.com. You could be helping a friend in need of your support so please, show them how much you care and give them a hand to hold.

Thank you for possibly saving a life.

~ The Suicide Awareness Club

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