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Sick, twisted bravery.

Whether you pick the latter or not, you'd be completely and utterly correct.

Picture this: Someone caring so deeply for you, so desperately for you and they're telling you - no they're yelling - for you to drop the knife, to put down the bottle of stenching alcohol and load of blue pills. They're screaming so loud that it hurts them in the process, tears their throat apart from top to bottom, burns their already aching lungs but still - still - they cry for you. Still they find the hope that you cannot and they find the power to breath a life for not only one but two.

They live so you can live.

But it won't matter, it never will. Because no matter how much they scream, you scream just as loud, and then some more.

You're screaming wretched curses, heartbroken cries and backstabbing whispers. You reach for that knife, that vodka, that gun or those blue pills of yours and they reach for you - and they're not too late.

But you can't even save yourself if you tried.

You ran from life and it's problems like a coward is what they think. There was someone in your corner - there was always someone in you corner who took the backslap for you and who held up the other end of the sky.

But you were too BLIND! to see that the entire world was not against you.

You didn't want to see it, you didn't want to believe it.


Because you were scared.

You thought that this would be beneficial. FOR WHO???


What about me? I cared, hell I still fucking do but will good is that? What good is that if you're not even willing to save yourself.

Because before I got you, before anyone elss is sitting in your corner you'd better be.

Have your back first. The world is a sick and twisted place and it certainly doesn't give pity tickets.

But I do applaud you. For being able to say when you're sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I'm just sorry you found the wrong solution.

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