The Road to Forevermore with Jesus

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Anyone who has repented from his sin and has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ has a new life through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in Him. A new believer must desire to grow by doing three things:

1. Read the Bible. God speaks to us through the Bible. That is why we need to read His word everyday. God's word is our strength and food for our souls.

2. Praying. God wants us to talk to Him in prayer. We are to ask according to His will. We are to ask forgiveness for our sins when we fall, a d we are also to pray for the salvation of others.

3. Seeking fellowship with other believers. As person who has experienced new life in Christie a member of God's family. He should desire the fellowship of his new brothers and sisters in the Lord. He will find them in church where Jesus Christ is preached.

Did you pray to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Yes or No?

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