Chapter 1: The Pizza Guy is a Monster?!

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It was a Saturday night in New York. It was New Years Eve, the night to party, for most. Eleo and Jennifer were the best of friends ever They ran away from home together. Eleo never met her father. She didn't like her mother that much since her mother was always on trips around the world. Jennifer didn't like her father who always lived by fame and fortune which she believed was why her mother left. Therefore, the two friends moved to New York and lived together. They had just ordered pizza and they were watching the countdown by the TV screen. Suddenly, the doorbell rung. "Can you get it Jen?" Eleo said a bit grumpy from seeing some guys dress up as unicorns outside the window for New Years. "Yeah Eleo." Jen replied and opened the door. "You're pizza Miss." the man said and handed Jen the pizza. Jen handed the money over, but the pizza guy said, "I need a signature." "I'll go get a pen!" Jen yelled and ran to the table to find a pen. While she was searching for a pen, the pizza guy took off his shirt revealing large wings and a nice 6 pac. He took off his gloves revealing his hands which turned to large claws and smirked looking at the two girls back and forth. He finally lunged forward and flew right to the window and stopped. Jen cringed at and looked at Eleo. Eleo ran to Jen and whispered, "What the hell is that?!" "I...I don't know! I've never seen it! I'll go get security!" Jen said back and sprinted towards the door. The monster flew to the door faster than Jen's sprinting and closed it. "I can't wait to bring you back to Gaea. She will reward me for your capture." he snickered. "Gaea...where have I heard that name before?" Jen repeated. "No time for that! We have to defend ourselves." Eleo said and grabbed a knife from the drawer. She had this weird killing smirk on and she showed no fear. Jen stepped back knowing Eleo could be really aggressive sometimes. She got ready to charge until three boys crashed through the windows and shattered the glass. On the left side was a boy with blonde hair. He looked like he already had many people chasing him to be their boyfriend. The one on the right side was a curly haired boy with hands that were holding flames. The one in the middle had shaggy dark hair and drew a pen out of a pocket. "A pen? Really? You're gonna fight this thing with a pen?!" Eleo said looking a bit disappointed still holding the knife. The boy ignored her comment and the pen turned into a sword. "Jason, Leo, get them to safety. I'll deal with this creep." the guy in the middle said as he turned the left side first and then to his right. "You sure Percy?" Jason asked. Percy nodded and waited for the monster to come. The monster flew at him. Percy dodged and sliced the wing off the monster. Jen and Eleo watched in horror as the thing melted and turned into dust. "That was faster than I thought." he said to himself. Leo ran up to Jen while Jason flew to Eleo. "Let's go. We need to get out of here!" Jason said. "I'm not going anywhere! You can't just barge into our house and take us away?! That's like kidnapping!" Jen argued. "She's a stubborn one." Eleo mumbled to Jason. "Come on sis. Let's go!" Percy said and held her hand. Jason followed them. Jen stood and refused to move. "Oh come on!" Leo said a bit frustrated. "I'm staying here!" Jen yelled turning away. Percy, Jason, and Eleo were waiting for Leo and Jen. "Hurry up Leo!" Percy yelled impatiently. "We're gonna be late and we don't want Chiron to get angry at us!" Jason added. "Okay! Sorry girly but you're leaving if you like it or not!" Leo said grabbing Jen by the hand and dragging her to the edge of the window. Suddenly, a huge metal dragon flew up to meet them. "My second metal dragon. Get on!" Leo smirked. Jason and Percy helped Eleo on. They sat her down and hopped on. Percy sat behind her making sure she wouldn't fall. Jason sat behind the two of them since he could fly if there were any malfunctions. Leo grabbed Jen by the waist and helped her up in front of Eleo. "I'm so confused..." Jen said out loud. Leo hopped on and the mechanical dragon rose in the air. "All your questions will be answered. We're just glad you're safe." Percy said and the five of them flew into the night.

The Complicated Life Of New and Old DemigodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora