Chapter Two

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*Andrea's POV*

"I love you too, Andrea." That was all I ever wanted to hear. She shortly fell asleep.

"I love you more than you know." I whispered to a sleeping Jenn.

I've loved Jenn for a while and she didn't know. She had told me that she liked JC while I was asleep. Sometimes I'll fall asleep while watching a movie with Jenn. When the movie ends, I wake up.


I woke up right as the movie ended. I saw Jenn watching the ending and decided to pretend I was asleep.

"Hey, Andrea? Are you awake?"

"No? Okay. I'm going to keep talking anyways. I never told you why I cut, so I'm going to do it now. I like JC and I've liked him for along time. When JC and Lia got together I couldn't take it anymore and I cut. I was really hurt by them being together and had to cut. I know you don't like it when I cut, but sometimes I just hurt so much and I don't have the strength to go to your room."

She got up from the bed. I slowly opened up my eyes. She was facing the other direction and didn't know that I was awake. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a box. She then pulled something shiny out of the box. That's when I noticed that it was a razor.

I pretended to slowly sit up from my sleep.

"Jenn, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" I hate when she's sarcastic sometimes.

I run over to her and take the razor.

"Andrea!" She whined.


"Give it back!"


"Andrea, give it back now!" She commands.

"No! Now I wanna see you put this where you got it and climb back in the bed with me!"

She did as I said and we fell asleep.

*End of flashback*

I woke up and Jenn was still asleep. I laid with her until she woke up. I grabbed my phone and looked through Twitter. About twenty minutes later I felt Jenn move.

"You could've gotten up." She says sitting up.

"And wake you up? Yeah right."

"I don't wanna keep you from doing what you want to."

"Jenn, if I wanted to get up, I would've gotten up whether or not I woke you up."

"Okay." She replies, laying back down.

I got up to go eat. I got a bowl, a spoon, and I poured myself some cereal. As I was eating I heard Jenn's footsteps come down the stairs.

"Hey, Andrea?"


"What did you say last night after I said, 'I love you too, Andrea'?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at my food afraid of what she heard.

"Well right before I fell asleep I heard a faint, 'I love you m-', but I fell asleep before you finished your sentence."

"Hmm. I don't know. I was half asleep." I hope she accepts that answer.

"Hm. Weird."

"Yeah. Weird." I finished my last bite and put my bowl in the sink.

I walked into the living where Jenn was watching TV. We watched TV for about an hour before Jenn went back upstairs to get ready for the day. I decided to go get ready because I wanted to ask her if we could go to the beach.

I was finished getting ready. I had a pair of shorts and a crop top on. I went and knocked on Jenn's door.

"Come in!" She called through the door.

I opened the door and walked in. "Hey, Jenn?"


"Can we go to the beach today?"

"Sure! When do you want to go?"

"What about right now?"

"Andrea, I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"JC and Lia broke up. JC wanted to hang out with me in a little bit today and I told him I would. I'm sorry."

"Oh. It's okay! You're just helping out a friend." I say with a somewhat fake smile. It was partially real because I always loved when Jenn helped her friends that were in need of a good friend, such as Jenn.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Absolutely!" I replied cheerfully, although I wasn't cheerful at all.

"Okay! Well I'm gonna get going, so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Talk to you later." I smiled at her as we walked out of her room.

I went back into the living room to watch TV. There wasn't anything on, so I decided to take a nap.

// A/N I'm going to switch POVs every chapter. I think I'm only going to use Jenn and Andrea for the POVs. Sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the last, but I hope you like it. Chapter Three is soon to come //

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