Chapter 1-Welcome to Bridgecove

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"Attention passengers we will be at our destination shortly, please prepare for landing" the flight attendant said as I was waking up from a light nap. Huh, we're here already I thought wonderful the sooner I get to this school the better. I always hated home,not necessarily the house itself but mostly the people in it. Most of the time I was looked at as the black sheep in my family. My older sister, Karissa, was always the golden child even if I did do everything right to be accepted it still wasn't enough especially for my mother ugh that lady. But that story is for another time don't worry I'll eventually get to that.
So in light of having such a terrific home, hah hope you got the sarcasm from that one I decided to enroll myself in a private boarding school located all the way across the country in California, Im from Connecticut. Parents were all for it they never really gave a crap what I did as long as I wasn't getting arrested and plus my cousin Lucy goes to the same one and I said I'd be in the same dorm as her.
Oh right dorm, cousin, school whole reason I'm here. Where the hell is my ride to Bridgecove Heights? One of my dorm advisors are suppose to be here. A white van pulls up right in front of me,with a white kind of chunky lady mid thirties and lots of freckles  gosh can you be anymore creepy, I meant the van...maybe.
"Hi, are you kairah hew? Sorry I'm late the traffic in LA sucks"the freckled face lady says through the window
"Yeah that's me, and whatever its okay" I replied I wasn't really in the mood to be my cheerful self
"Alright, well put your stuff in the back and get in so we can get up to the dorm"
After I did as she said it was a very awkward car ride and I was sketchy about this lady too so I just decided to put my earphones in, blasting it so she wouldn't bother to talk to me.
"Well here we are, almost there" she said as we approached a gate with security and I took notice that this school was on a hill,which means stairs, greeeeaaat everyone loves those, hah not. I had to admit while we were driving up however, the school was beautiful.
We finally got the dorm and my DA who I already forgot the name of showed me to my room which was on the top floor lucky me and I just started blasting some music from my beats when I got in there so I could start unpacking when I heard a knock on the door.
"Its open" I yelled while hanging up a sweater
I hear semi-stomping after the door opens and feel someone plunging into my back hugging me from behind before I could turn around.
"Hey cuz!" A high overly excited voice yelled
"Lucy! Well if it isn't my fav cousin who convinced me to leave that hellhole of a home and come here"
"And don't you love me for it"
"Till death do us part bae" I say and finally hug her back
"Kai, this is my friend Makenzie" she pointed to this girl hanging out by my doorway.
"Hi, I'm kairah you can call me kai if you want. You know you don't have to stay by the doorway you can come in if you want"
"Hi, thanks, and you can just call me kenzie" she says as she sits on my bed.
"Great now that my two favorite people have met how bout we walk up to the dining hall and get some dinner?" Lucy says
"I'm down." Kenzie says
"I am so down, anything to get me away from unpacking my room for now"I say
"Then hurry up and change so we can go its already six"Luce said
"What's the matter with what I have on?" I reply
"Kai, this is LA not Connecticut put on some shorts and a tight tee, come on I want to show off my hot cousin" Luce
"Ugh, whatever" its no use fighting her she'll end up getting what she wants.
So once we leave I'm wearing some high wasted maroon shorts and a tight black tee that I thought showed too much cleavage but lucy insisted.
We got to the dining hall and it was literally amazing, I thought I was in love. Lets get one thing straight I may look small and my ass may not look big but I'm a fat ass at heart and that is because I loooooove me some food. There was a pizza bar, soup bar, sandwich bar, even a sushi bar surprisingly and loaded other stuff I didn't know where to start. But I thought I would just get the main course of the night which was lasagna with garlic bread. When I got to the table where lucy and kenzie were I felt like a fat ass more than I usually do when I eat with my lasagna and they were just eating salads. People are really consious about their appearances here. "I can't believe you guys are sitting here eating salad when this place has basically any bar you could think of, besides alcohol"
"I could get you alcohol easy if you wanted, just let me know" kenzie said.
I just nodded because i was a little taken back by what she said she seemed so quiet and innocent but I guess its true how the saying goes it is always the quiet ones.
Not only does this place have good food but it also has great eye candy.
"Nolan said we should go to courts after dinner" lucy said
"Whose Nolan?" I said.
"Nolan Pierce, Lucy's boyfriend" kenzie said
"You have a boyfriend luce?"
"What?! No! He's just a boy I talk to sometimes one of the girls in our dorms brother"lucy defended
"He's in your grade, so you'll probably see him around, he is the king of players"kenzie said (they were a year older than me)
"I'm stopping this convo right now, do you guys wanna go or not" lucy said frustrated
"I think ill pass" kenzie said
"I'm a little tired and still need to unpack so you go ahead" I said
"Ugh whatever you guys good night" luce said and left the dining hall.
"Don't worry, we got your tray" kenzie said when lucy left with her food still on the table
Kenzie and I started walking back to the dorm and I couldn't help but notice that boys here do not hide when they're checking a girl out but whatever if you got it flaunt it my mom always said. I also noticed how rowdy people were there's boys chasing after each other over god knows what. And I swear to god I just saw a girl through a window in one of the boys dorms which is against the rules. I'm starting to think private school kids break more rules than public school kids.  When we got back to the dorm kenzie and I hung out in her room for a little bit.
We were mostly blasting music, watchinf netflix off and on and she was just getting me ready for school like telling me who I should stay away from and all that. Then out of nowhere she asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed, which is might I say against the rules at our school even the law.
"Come on, it'll be fun"she said
And I couldn't help but think in my mind it would be fun.
"Sure I'm away from parents why not"
"Das mah girl" kenzie said in a funny way
She passed me the joint and I took a hit and I couldnt help but think as i blew the smoke out the window and she sprayed febreeze that this school was going to be very very interesting.

Hi hope everyone liked it.First story and doing it on my phone so please give it a chance. I know its starting slow but don't worry I have big plans for this story. And if anyone would like to make me a cover that would be so helpful! PLEASE PLEASE VOTE:)

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