Chapter 2- The First Day of School

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I dragged myself out of bed, its a miracle really how my alarm woke me up.  I grabbed my stuff and headed towards our community bathroom, a lot of people were already awake, ahhhh yess I guess its because everyone cares so much about their appearances here.  I guess that's not a bad thing I mean I don't like to look like a wreck either when I go out.  As I was brushing my teeth I was observing all the girls everyone here looks so much older than they actually are, I mean I'm not saying that I don't have any boobs or an ass but I am definitely not saying I can compete with these girls.  But you know like they say, make the most of what you got. 

When I was finished washing my face, yes I do believe in taking care of your skin, I guess I was still a little groggy from waking up that I bumped into someone and let me tell you some of these girls had major RBFs (resting bitch faces). 

"Oh God sorry" I told the girl

"No its fine, I wasn't watching" The girl with the noticeably middle part in her hair said.

Thankfully that girl wasn't ready to start anything first thing in the morning.  After I gathered my things I went back to my room to begin to get ready for my very first day of school here at Bridgecove.  It was 6:14 am and I had to be at the dining hall by 7 am, it was mandatory for all boarders except for seniors, damn Lucy and Kenzie.  Our school has uniforms so thankfully I didn't have to go through the trouble of picking out an outfit everyday for school, meaning more sleeping time for Muah.  The uniform for girls consisted of a white polo shirt, a plaid skirt and knee high socks, great every boys wet dream. And the boys had to wear ties and khaki pants with dress shoes.  I put my uniform on and it actually didn't look half bad, it really highlighted my best assets, my boobs even though they were only B cups looked phenomenal because the shirt was a little tight fitting.  And not to be slutty or anything but I had to roll my plaid skirt a couple times I was not about to leave this dorm with a knee length skirt on and I'm sure other girls did the same.  I applied some make up, I wanted to make a good first impression and I really don't like having make up on when I first meet someone because that's how they expect you to look every time they see you after that so I thought mascara and lip gloss would be sufficient for today.  I curled the ends of my hair and put on a headband to finish off that "innocent schoolgirl" look, I'm a tease sue me hahaha. I sprayed some perfume on me, grabbed my bag and was out the door, I saw the girl I bumped into earlier.

"Hi" the girl with the middle part said.

"Morning" I replied

"You want to walk up to breakfast with me?" she asked

I thought great I'll have someone to sit with since Lucy and Kenzie are being selfish and sleeping so I replied, "Sure"

"Great, my name is Natalie by the way"

"I'm Kairah, but you can call me Kai" I told her

We walked into the dining hall at exactly 6:58 am hah we're super early. My stomach was growling so as soon as Natalie showed me where I could put my things down I went straight in the back where all the food was. Once again I was in heaven a fruit bar, pastry bar and omelet bar.  By the time I made it to the table I was beginning to rethink if I could finish all of this and plus I was getting weird looks from a bunch of girls who look like they starve themselves. (no offense intended to anybody).  Natalie introduced me to some of the girls at the table.

"Kai, this is Melissa and Jasmine"

Melissa had really curly hair and nice eyes

Jasmine had straight hair and looked like a runner.

"Melissa and Jasmine, this is Kai she's knew in the dorm"

We both said our hellos simultaneously.

Bridgecove HeightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora