Chapter 2: New Squad

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As I walked to the bus stop, I saw a familiar face walking closer. Thinking it was a friend, I had a smile on.

But I suddenly remembered I had no friends in this neighborhood. Not that I'm a loner, it's just that no one from school lives here.

As she was getting closer, I see that she was slightly dancing. She had her headphones on, and she was getting jumpy. I wonder what song she's listening to.

Getting tired of standing, I sat down. And boy was that girl slow, she must be enjoying herself.

I closed my eyes and listened to the wind instead. The wind, the rustling leaves, the bird's chirps, until I was interrupted by hearing someone sit right beside me.

I open my eyes and see the girl from before. Jace? What was her name again?

"It's Jane." I hear the girl say, must have said it out loud again.

As silence goes on, Jane broke the silence. "You're Andrew, right?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"Nice to meet you."


"Hey, Ginger." I smile as I sit beside her in English class. "Jane! So, how was the first day of school?" she asks. "Oh, it was great! I loved everyone, especially the girl that asked me to get out of my seat!" I roll my eyes. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." she comments. "Oh, if only you knew my hatred for school."

And so, Miss Leila came and started class. And here comes the introduce yourself thingy (we didn't have English yesterday), again. And we were asked to give a hobby.

And guess what, Andrew's in this class too. Why do I always bump into him?

So, I was next. Which sucked.

"My name is Jane, my hobby is playing League." I start. The boys started getting interested while the girls didn't know a thing, until Andrew asked a question. "Division and LP?" he asked. "Diamond." I said.

"That shit's fake!" someone shouted, sadly, Miss Anna was reading a magazine.

"1 v 1!" The boys chanted. "Oh sure, this won't be much of a challenge. Go on Twitch, the title's '1 v 1 with a noob'."

"Wait, you stream at Twitch?" asked again by Andrew. Oh, I won't be surprised if he asked me again.

"Yeah, I do." I roll my eyes. "Name's Cup of Tea." I shrug. "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE THAT DIAMOND PLAYER?!" shouted a boy with a face full of pimples. "THAT'S WHY I SAID THAT I WAS DIAMOND!"

It was Ginger's turn to say about her hobby. "I'm Ginger Lifflot, and my hobby is listening to metal." And that's when finally boys lose their shit.

"My name is Amanda Jones. My hobby's putting on make up." a girl says, who's wearing a tank top and skirt.

I was sitting at the back with Ginger, and the boys who were chanting (Andrew, Michael, Logan, and Dylan). And apparently, they were all part of the varsity.

"From what I know, only Seniors can wear make up, no tank tops that fit, and skirts that short." I snort with the boys. "I heard that!" says Amanda. "So?" I ask.

Amanda just rolls her eyes and goes to her clique. Ooh feisty. Two can play that game.

The first break came, and Ginger and I sat at our own table when the boys walked to ours.

"What bands do you listen to?" Michael asked Ginger. "Slipknot, Metallica, Slayer, many more." Ginger answered. "She's the real deal." I laugh.

"And you, young lady." starts Andrew, "What's your taste in music?"

"Dubstep." I shrug. And you can hear Logan and Dylan making 'wub wub' sounds. I just shake my head at their childishness.

Physical Education AKA Torture, is our subject right now. And I looked at my schedule with the boys and Ginger's before PE, we (coincidentally) all had a lot of same subjects on the same time.

"Alright class! For new students, I am known as Coach George!" Coach shouts so that he could be heard by everyone in the basketball court, which could also be turned to a volleyball court.

We were all given our shorts and shirts. Boys' shorts reach to the knees, while ours to mid-thigh. And we all had our last names on the back of our shirt.

While I was peacefully sitting down with Ginger, waiting for the whole class to be done wearing their shirts, someone threw on a shirt over me.

And it was so big, it was like a fucking sweater. "Whose name is it on my back?" I ask Ginger. "It's Brandson." she says. I took off the shirt, and looked at the name. Ginger was not lying.

I threw it back to the boys, rolling my eyes. "Who the fuck would play around with shirts?"

"We're playing basketball." says coach. "Volleyball for the girls?" a girl asked. "No, we're all playing basketball. Okay, boys and girls, half court! Double time!" says coach as he claps his hands.

I got a ball and dribbled. I was at the free throw line while the girls were chatting. I bent my knees a little, and did a jump shot. I'm weak, so I need to jump. And the ball went in with cheers from the girls.

As each girl did a shoot, we would cheer whenever it would go in, and an 'aaw' if it didn't.

After us girls were done, the boys were still having fun shooting. We sat at the bleachers and just watched, we were all too lazy to move.

After taking a shower, it was time for Chemistry. Time for bullshit.

"We'll be picking lab partners." says Ms. Pat (Patricia but she preferred Pat), "And no picking by friends."

Let's see, Andrew's here, Logan, and Dylan. And I got picked with Andrew. . . please make him smart, dear Lord.

"By the way, I suck at chemistry." Shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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