Help me..

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I was awoken by the front door slamming. Shit my dad is back from the bar early. Hopefully he will pass out on the couch so he doesn't get to me.
I was wrong.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Emily!!! You whore get here!!" He yelled.
I get up and stand in the hallway. His hand came along my face an slapped me. Hard..
He kicks me leg making me fall to the floor. And he began kicking me in the stomach. I begin to cry. And he stops.
"Your just like your mother." He spat.
I got up slowly tears running down my face. I take a shower to wash the blood of my face.
I had a gash next to my eye due to his ring hitting it.
I decided to get into. Some skinny jeans and a Marlyn Manson hoodie and grab my skateboard and go out to get some air. It was 1am and it was pitch black outside however I didn't care. My so called dad was asleep on the sofa.i decide to sit on a bench in the middle of a abandoned park. I then was suddenly startled by someone sitting next to me.

"Hey" the man said.k
"Hi" I said plainly
"What are you doing out here at this hour" he asked
"I'm just getting some fresh air" I said hoping that he wouldn't notice my bruises
"I like your hoodie" he replied.
"Thanks, you a fan?" I asked. Why did I just say that. God I'm so awkward.
"Yeah actually I'm a big fan of lots of bands." He said leaning back looking at the stars.
"Same" I yawn doing the same.
I could see our breath in the air. Damn it's cold. I ain't wearing anything underneath this.
"So what are you doing out here anyways?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Well I normally go on walks at night. Really cause no one is around, I prefer to spend time alone" he replied.
"Sorry I should go" I stuttered.
"Hey no not like that. Infact your the first person I've had a proper conversation with that isn't family or friends." He replied grabbing my arm making me wince in pain.
"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" He replied looking worried.
"No it's fine, why does no one talk to you?" I asked.
"If you could see me in the day. You'll know why" he replied.
"Ok?" I added.
"It's getting late I should probably head back it was nice meeting you...?"
" name is Emily" I smiled giving him a hand shake.
"Chris. It was nice meeting you Emily. I hope we can meet again and hang out" he smiled
I hopped on my skate board and headed back. I was thinking about the man I was speaking to.
Chris huh? Sounds like a cool guy. Did I just make a friend? No... Don't be stupid...
Who would make friends with someone like me.
A whore,emo,cutter,suicidal,depressed,social anxiety freak.
No one.
He will find out and leave me just like everyone else.
I'm alone. Let's face it. No one can fix me.

Drowning -A Chris Motionless Fan Fiction-Where stories live. Discover now