Chapter Five - Duet (Updated!)

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Weeks passed in the blink of an eye. Everyone was at the studio from dawn to dusk, constantly working on something. Becky's foot had healed and she was able to loose the gauze bandages and the crutch. Everyone in B.A.P was started on very strict diets, something they were accustomed to. Becky was also started on her diet, but her body was not used to the major food restrictions and so she was often sick. Zelo worried about her, but they were both constantly rehearsing and so there was no time for them to be together. When they weren't in rehearsal, they were in the gym or consulting with their managers over details for the tour. When they did have time off, they would sleep, and often they only slept a maximum of five hours...

As if this wasn't enough, the media had not backed off from Becky and Zelo's budding romance. The press bombarded the two teens every time they left their hotel or the studio asking how their relationship was and wanting to know when there would be more "Zecky" action.

The two would often send each other texts and that was how they kept up communication during these hectic weeks.

It wasn't until the day before their first show that they were able to actually see each other. Rehearsals had been cut short and their manager had called a final meeting for everyone.

As they all waited in the lobby, Zelo found Becky sitting in the same chair the two had shared on the day they met. He smiled at her and she stood up to greet him, hugging him around the shoulders and burying her face in his neck. "Hi."

"Hello." He smiled and hugged her back. Her body had thinned out a bit because of her dieting and he could tell she wasn't feeling too well due to her super pale complexion, but words couldn't begin to describe how happy he was to just hold her in his arms again. "We will go out to eat after the meeting." He whispered in her ear and she looked up.

"Can we order pizza?" She asked hopefully, the mention of food instantly brightening her mood.

"Absolutely!" He laughed as she twirled around and fell back in the chair, happiness completely filling her. "I've missed you so much."

Becky pulled Zelo down so that he sat next to her in the chair. "I've missed you too oppa. So much." She pulled his face to hers and kissed him quickly on the lips and then pressing her forehead against his. "Gosh I've missed that..." She said in a half whisper causing Zelo to chuckle before kissing her again.

Their manager soon joined them and everyone settled in. Becky curled up against Zelo in their chair and Zelo wrapped his arms around her. "Hello everyone!" She said happily. "I wanted to tell you all how thankful I am for all of your hard work these past few weeks. I know it has been chaotic and stressful, but it will all be worth it for the show tomorrow." Everyone nodded in agreement, they knew all of the long hours and sleepless nights would be worth it when they heard all their loving fans cheering them on. "Since you've all been working so hard we've decided to cancel the rest of tonight's rehearsals! Please get plenty of rest and eat well tonight."

There was excited chatter among everyone as they all planned what they were going to do with their free time. Jongup, DaeHyun and YoungJae were excited to go out for dinner and then go window shopping in the city. Adam, Demi, YongGuk, and HimChan decided to go out together for dinner as well and then turn in early so they had plenty of energy for the next day, knowing just how hectic it would be. Justin wanted to hit up the clubs to no ones' surprise.

Zelo looked at Becky and smiled at her. "I know exactly what we should do." He took her hands and pulled her up out of the chair. "Let's go on our first official date!" He said happily as he thought of all the things they could do together. It would be perfect, just like the dates you saw in the movies.

Becky blinked a tad surprised at how excited Zelo was. She had never imagined him to be the kind of guy who got excited to go on dates, but seeing Zelo so happy was everything Becky needed to feel happy too. She laughed at his childlike excitement and nodded her head. "Okay, let's go on our first date. What are we going to do?"

One Love [A Zelo Love Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon