A Bonfire Mini - YongGuk and Chelsea's Moment (Updated!)

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Chelsea walked down to the beach with Becky close to her side and Demi on the other side of Becky still. She was still so shaken from what had happened with Becky up in the house... one of her best friends... she shuttered at the thought and then they reached the beach.

Before Chelsea could say anything to Becky, Zelo was in front of them. He looked lost and hurt and afraid... but before Chelsea could say anything to him either, he was enfolding Becky in his arms and crying into her hair.

Chelsea took a sharp breath in and waiting to see if Becky would fall into another trance like state, but her worries faded when Becky wrapped her arms around Zelo, the two of them seeming to find comfort in one another despite what had happened between them earlier.

Chelsea sighed and her shoulders relaxed. She looked at Demi and motioned to the group gathered around the fire. Demi nodded and they both headed toward the group, telling people to let the two teens have their privacy before settling among the others.

Chelsea sat on a bench next to the fire, shivering slightly in the cool night air. It wasn't long before a blanket was being wrapped around her and she looked up to see YongGuk, his gummy smile looking down at her.

She smiled at him gratefully and he took a seat next to her on the bench. "Thank you YongGuk, I get cold very easily."

YongGuk nodded his head. "I wanted to make sure you were okay... JongUp said some things about Becky earlier and I've been worried about all of you..." He moved closer. "If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, just know that I will always be here if you need to talk about anything."

Chelsea smiled shyly, butterflies suddenly filling her stomach as she looked at YongGuk... He was so handsome and kind, her ideal man... "It was so scary..." She found herself saying as she looking into his dark sparkling eyes. "I felt so out of control and if JongUp hadn't shown up... I don't know what might have happened..."

YongGuk wrapped his strong arms around Chelsea and held her close. "Don't worry. That's all over now... I will make sure that something like this never happens again. I promise."

Chelsea nodded and nuzzled into YongGuk's chest.

YongGuk blushed at the action, but didn't pull away. He instead rested his chin on the top of her head and continued to hold her. "Everything's gonna be alright..."


Dedicated to my best friend and sister forever, Chelsea

One Love [A Zelo Love Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon