My Past Summer Fling; Is My Screwed Up Reality ~25~

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"Okay, so you two haven't been formally introduced. Reese, this is Krys, Krys, this is Reese" Mr.Kelly introduced us, however we didn't shake hands, we just looked at eachother.

"You always did have a thing for girls with guy names" Reese smirked.

I don't think me and this woman were going to get along well at all, she is so..what's the word I'm looking for?...Oh yeah arrogant.

"Anyways, we need to get cleaned up so if you could please show us to a bathroom..." Mr.Kelly interjected looking impatient.

"Oh, you two shower together? Are you sure this isn't your new squeeze?" Reese's eyebrows rose.

I flushed and scowled at her.

"No! we don't do that you pervert! And what the hell is a squeeze?!"

She chuckled and whispered something to Mr.Kelly, he rolled his eyes and flicked her in the neck.

"Krys, you don't have clothes do you?" Mr.Kelly asked looking over my drenched outfit.

"No" I responded dryly. "It's fine, I'll just wait until you take me home later"

He scratched his head and gave me a sheepish look.

"Um, about're not going home for a while"

I shrugged.

"Whatever, its not like I have a curfew anyways, besides after what happened today I don't think my sister is even expecting me to come home"

"Krys, you don't understand...You can't go home for a long time" He reitterated slowly and hesitantly.

Wait, he couldn't mean what I think he means. Before I could ask another question, Reese cut in.

"Alright Austin, how long do you two need to stay?"

My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up RealityWhere stories live. Discover now