First day of many

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"C'mon Phil, wake up for fucks sake!" PJ whispered angrily to himself as he shook the unconscious Phil that had been waiting for him on the dormroom floor. It upset him that he had only been in the school for under 2 hours but his best friend had already been beaten. Phil really did worry him. "Oh hey Peej, have a g-good holiday?" Phil stuttered, PJ sighed in relief. "For gods sake Phil, is that really the most important thing to be asking right now?" He said, annoyed at his friends disregard for his own wellbeing. "I'm fine Peej." Phi said, slowly sitting up but failing and landing on his back again. "You were out for half an hour you dingus." PJ said, putting an arm around Phil's waist and lifting him onto his bed. "Dingus? I'm offended, I'm hurt you have to be nice to me." Phil winced, pulling out the book from under the pillow he had just leant on. "Not when you're being a dingus I don't." PJ began to smirk slightly, lightening the mood. "So how was your holiday Peej?" Phil asked again, genuinely interested. "Me and Clara broke up." PJ sighed shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal him and the girl he'd been with for over a year had left him. It was long distance so Phil had only met her once but she seemed pretty nice. "Oh sorry." Phil said quietly, not really knowing what to say in this situation seeing as he'd never been in a break up before, he needed to have had been in a relationship to do that. "You'll find someone better, someone who deserves you." Was the only thing Phil could think of. "Yeah you will too, Phil." PJ replied, giving a small smile.

"Morning Dan!!" Chris screamed, jumping on top of him. "Owww Chris, get off!" Dan murmured, the one thing that Dan hated about Chris: Chris was a morning person. Dan shoved Chris off of his bed and wrapped the duvet around himself. Chris laughed and stood back up, eyeing Dan's position before grabbing the duvet from under him and rolling Dan onto the floor, causing a loud bang. "Fuck you."

An hour later Dan was ready for lessons, although being slightly grumpy from missing breakfast. First lesson was English language, which he sometimes enjoyed but today he was sure he that would not be the case. He took his usual seat at the back of the classroom and watched as the room began to fill. As always, everyone was in the uniform of white shirt, black blazer and red tie. Dan liked sitting in the back of the classroom because he liked watching the way everyone behaved and interacted with eachother, a hobby he would never share with anyone other than Chris. He watched the group of giggly girls with half buttoned tops, he watched the group of boys with matching trainers and haircuts talk to the girls. He put up his hood on his black hoodie as to try and stay invisible to Mark and his gang and he continued to watch. He watched the tall boy with a black fringe scurry in and take his seat in the front corner, opposite to Dan. The boy quickly turned around to look at the gang of boys in the middle of the room before turning back again. Dan caught a glimpse of a black eye on the boys left eye, mostly covered by fringe, and frowned, Lester.  Dan only knew his second name because Mark often offered him as a human punch bag. Dan wondered what it must be like to be like Lester, permanently invisible with the exception of when he was getting slammed into the ground. He wondered if its better to be beaten, but invisible, or never touched but always in the spotlight? At least Lester knows who he is. Dan isn't sure if he's him or the person he's pretending to be.

However his question was left unanswered when he heard a high-pitched giggling in his ear. He looked away from the boy with black hair to see a pair of boobs right infront of his face. He quickly looked up, frankly appalled with the sight, to see the face of Holly peering down at him, her straight brown hair framing her thin face perfectly. "Hey Dan!" She said, leaning in further making Dan almost fall of his chair. He really hasn't missed this. "Hey Holly" He relied, trying to sound cool and succeeding, as he always does. "I've missed you", she fluttered her fake eyelashes. "Me too." Dan replied, winking. He knew he shouldn't lead her on but he was too awkward to tell her to go away.

Phil knew it was unlikely anyone would touch him in class so he turned around in his seat. On the other end of his row was a boy with dark brown hair and a fringe going the other way to his own. He had a black hoodie over his school shirt and seemed to be in deep thought. A minute or so later a girl approached the boy at the back and leant over the desk, blocking Phil's view of him. Phil wondered what it must be like being him, he constantly saw girls around him or Mark and his friends laughing at his jokes. Part of him hated him for associating with those people but another was slightly jealous. "Oi gayboy" Phil heard. "Do you have a little crush on him?" Mark said, patronisingly. "What, who?" Phil said, confused. "My friend over there." Mark answered, pointing at the boy Phil had been looking at. "No." Phil mumbled, blushing slightly. Phil barely knew him and the things he did know, he didn't like. "Haha yes you do, awww. Hey Dan!" Mark answered. Holly moved slightly so Dan could see what was going on. "What?" "Little Lester has a crush on you." Mark replied, smirking. "No, I.." Phil was quickly cut off when the teacher came in, apologising for being late and asking Mark and Holly to go back to their seats. She began to lecture them on gothic literature but all Dan could think about was Lester.

comment if you enjoyed it, next update soon xx 

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