Degrading us

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Phil looked down as he walked down the plain grey halls, trying not to attract any attention to himself whatsoever. The last lesson of the day was now over so he was walking back to his dorm. He quietly began to sing along with the music blasting out of his headphones. "They will not forccce us, they will stop degraaaading us..." He hummed, tapping his fingers to the beat. He suddenly crashed into someone, someone much larger than himself. Shit. He slowly looked up and was met by harsh dark eyes, eyes he knew all too well. The small gang glared at him like he had just murdered their pet kitten, he was only 6 or 7m from his dorm and was tempted to make a run for it and barricade himself inside but this idea was quickly abandoned when he was shoved up against a wall.

"We never did finish that little chat we were having earlier, did we?" Mark spat. "Pity Dan isn't with us, I'm sure he'd have something to say about you're little schoolboy crush." Phil thought about that, Dan had never hurt him before, he'd never even looked directly at him as far as Phil knew but he hung out with the people who did and, in Phil's book, it made him just as bad. "I-I don't fancy him." Phil stuttered. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." He said, snarling. "Listen to me you little prick, Dan is straight and even if he wasn't he would NEVER go for a freak like you. You're a little emo shit and you're way of thinking is natural." Mark paused. "You are not natural." Phil looked away, he didn't fancy Dan but his words still hurt. Like he was an inferior species to them, he felt so small, so degraded. Mark punched him in the stomach, making Phil double over in pain and fall to his knees, now even more vulnerable then before. They all joined in then, kicking any part of him they could. One of them lifted Phil off the ground, holding him firmly from behind as another continued to punch his stomach. "Hey! Get off of him!" He recognised the voice instantly. PJ pushed Mark aside, attempting to get to Phil but was quickly pushed back and onto the floor. Phil hated getting hit but he hated it even more when PJ got hurt too. He knew that although he wasn't the one directly hurting him, it was his fault. PJ was only trying to protect him.

 What seemed like hours later, they stopped and left them both in the middle of the hallway, littered with bruises and panting for breath. They both stood up and hobbled to their dorm in silence, collapsing onto their beds as soon as the door was closed. After a few minutes, Phil spoke. "I'm sorry Peej." He sighed, he hated this, PJ would be better off without him. PJ sighed too. PJ knew it wasn't Phil's fault but he was so tired of constantly being scared for Phil's safety. "It's ok."

Dan walked down the corridor, smiling at who he was meant to smile at and glaring at who he wasn't. He thanked the god he didn't believe in when he  reached the dorm to find he was alone. He was so tired. He sat down and rested his face in his hands, thinking about his day and how he'd have to repeat that day over and over again. Flirting with Holly every day. Laughing with Mark everyday. Watching the shy boy with the back hair get humiliated every day. He thought about that boy, with his straightened hair and blue eyes, wondering if what Mark said was true. Did Lester fancy him? Did Dan fancy Lester? He shook his head, trying to get that thought out of his mind. No. No. No. No. He began to cry, overwhelmed and tired of everything. "Fuck." He muttered. He didn't cry often but when he did he found it hard to stop. "What's up Bitch Salad!" Chris shouted as he came in through the door, his smile instantly dropping when he saw Dan. He worried about Dan a lot, he always seemed ok and whenever he asked, Dan always seemed to just shrug it off. Dan was very good at pretending but only someone who really knew him could tell that that was all it was. Pretending. "Chris sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug, resting his head on Dan's and not even bothering to ask why he was crying... so they just sat there for hours, Dan crying into Chris' shirt and Chris silently comforting him.

I'm tired so sorry if that wasn't very good but thanks again for reading xx

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