Chapter 1: 'It's Good To Be Back."

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What a long train journey! I am once again slipping on my golden slippers of applause as I plan to perform my socks off this term at Dover hall academy for the arts. This term I hope to be more sophisticated, now that I have a boyfriend I have matured dramatically and plan to embrace every opportunity and seize it in an immensely grown up fashion.

"Passengers, we will be reaching the station in approximately nine minutes, we hope this has been a pleasant journey." Said a deep voice through the speaker phone.

"It sure has! Thanks first travel, I can always rely on you for a ride." I bellow accidently voicing my thoughts. Everyone's eyes turn to me, some glowing in irritation, and some dancing with amusement, and with each stare I could feel my cheeks turn darker as I wonder just why I had to be so awkward. Hesitantly I awkwardly shuffle around so that my back is turned to the strange Yorkshire folk.

I'm going to meet Dibdobs at the station which should be suitably unusual and awkward, however, I am ready to face it if I can fill my head with thoughts of my gorgeous boyfriend Cain. I still find it hard to believe that we are going out. Well, sort of, we haven't actually been on an official date but I still am happily thinking of him as my boyfriend. Even these past few terms I was slightly skeptical of him, I now know that he is actually a really nice guy and can be so sweet! With this in mind, I fiddle with my owl necklace Cain gave me last term, as I smile remembering all the things he had said to me. And Golly Gosh is he good looking! I mean looks aren't the important thing to consider in a relationship but it sure is nice to have bagged a looker!

Oh goodness now I sound like an old northern folk, it must be due to how much I have grown up over the holiday, next thing ya know I will be walking around with a pig on my shoulder, drinking a pint with Ted Barriclaw.

Abruptly, I notice that the train has come to a halt and all the people in my carriage where getting off still sending odd looks my way.

The station's packed! People everywhere rushing around like mad men, it's hard to make out Dibdobs let alone where I'm meant to be meeting her. The panic was beginning to set in, as I frantically search over the crowd, eager to see Dibdobs' badged coat. No such luck. Where in the world can she be?

Suddenly a hand grips my wrist pulling me out of the crowd and in to some kind of closet area for the station staff. I'm being kidnapped, I think hysterically.

"Help, help, I'm being taken, Liam Neeson SAVE MEEEEE" I cry as the closet door shuts. I struggle pulling myself out of their grasp and I come face to face with my captor. I am met with the dark glowing eyes of Cain.

"Hello to you too." He says chuckling slightly. I glance up at him and smile, my cheeks slightly pink and say,

"You scared me, you meanie! Not funny at all."

Cain simply laughs and shakes his head, looking at me smiling broadly.

"I really missed thee Lullah." I grin and raise an eyebrow.

"Really because I didn't miss you at all, in fact it was rather nice without-"I am cut off abruptly as Cain presses his mouth to mine and captures me in a small kiss. I pull away smiling and whisper in his ear "Okay, maybe I missed you a tiny bit." Cain smiles and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I've got thee a present." Cain says, his eyes lighting up. "I thought we could go see this band together called the 'Stiff Dylan's' they're playing near here in a couple of weeks, so no one we know would be there and I thought it might be fun." He pulled out some concert tickets and my smile grew wider.

"Oh gosh! THAT IS SO PERFECT. Also I'm pretty sure I've heard of them before, so they're probably going to be amazing. Nothing on your band though." I say poking him and Cain grins. He then hugs me even tighter and I press my body closer to his, taking in his scent and I just smile to myself feeling slightly giddy with happiness.

I pull away and we stare into each other's eyes and begin to lean in once again. Just as our lips are about to touch I hear someone yelling my name.

"Lullah! Lullah, where are you?" A shrill voice yells and my eyes widen with realisation.

"Oh no, Dibdobs!" I squeal to Cain, who just looks down at me and grins.

"Well I guess this is me time to leave. I'll be seeing you, cheeky miss." He says and exits the closet leaving me slightly dazed. A few seconds later, I quickly came back to my senses and I also leave the closet and back into the hustle and bustle of the station.

I walk round and soon spot Dibdobs, who was looking extremely worried.

"Dibdobs, over here!" I yell and run up to her, accidently knocking over an old lady who just growls at me. She sounded just like a bear, I thought miserably, and soon met up with Dibdobs.

"There you are Lullah, I've been looking everywhere for you." She says, sighing in relief.

"Ugh yeah, sorry I thought I saw an umm, a bear" I hurriedly say. Dibdobs just looks at me strangely but her frown soon changes into a merry smile. She crushes me into a hug and I just hug back, knowing that resistance was pointless.

"Goodness Lullah, the place certainly has been dry without your crazy antics, it's great to have you back. Shall we get home, the boys and Harold are so excited to see you, and I've got your favourite type of local sausages cooking!" She rambles excitedly, as I just nod my head looking into the crowd.

As Dibdobs continued talking, my eyes landed on Cain who shot me a wink and then disappeared into the shadows.

It's good to be back.

AUTHORS NOTE – WE'RE BACK!!!!!! YAROOOO Sorry it took so long we have been super busy with...our lives! Hahah. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel to The Woman in Black Tights. Thanks for reading, big things are planned so stay tuned! Love Lullah, Mazey, Tatty and Alice xxxxxxxxx

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