Chapter 1

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Neverland had always been a magical place, from the mermaids in the water to the fairies in the sky. Armin loved it here. Together with Annie, a fairy and his closest friend, they had a lot of adventures. Of course they had to watch out for the pirates, Captain Levi wasn't really a nice guy, but it was always fun. Today, Armin woke up early. He lived in a tree house so it was always nice waking up by the sounds of the birds.

Annie wasn't in her bed anymore, which was unusual since Armin always had to wake her up. Armin looked around. 'Annie?' he asked. Where could she have gone off to? After searching through the tree house he came to the conclusion that Annie wasn't here. When he went outside, he saw a lot of fairy dust lying around. Besides that, there were a lot of footprints.

'Levi!' Armin concluded. Without Annie's fairy dust he had to be careful with the little he had left. He ran to the shore and flew off there to find the ship. He didn't dare ask the mermaids for help, they'd just show him the wrong way so if his fairy dust was all done he'd fall into the water and drown. The ship wasn't far away. It wouldn't take too much dust to come there. He landed somewhere high up, in case of emergency.

'Hey Levi!' He yelled. 'Wake up lazy old man where is Annie?!' Some pirates showed up. Levi's right hand, Marco, noticed Armin first and hurried away to call his captain. The other pirates started yelling at the boy high up in the masts. Armin grinned. Levi had been longing for fairy dust all these years, but he didn't have it. So since they couldn't fly to him, he was perfectly safe. It didn't take long for Levi to show up. If Armin was here he would try to kill that little bastard. Armin looked down. 'Where's Annie.? 'The little fairy is safe and sound in my room.' Levi got a devilish look. 'I won't give her back to you.' Armin looked angry. 'Give her back she's my friend. Not that you'd know what those are.' Levi played with his hook. 'Marco! Get that stupid girl.' He hissed. Marco saluted. 'Yes sir!' He said and hurried away to get the fairy.

Armin crossed his arms. If Levi wasn't giving her back he'd have a serious problem. He cared a lot about her. Marco came back and almost tripped over his own feet. 'H-Here sir!' He said and held up a lantern. Levi opened the lantern and grabbed the fairy. He held her little wings between his thumb and index finger, which was painful for her. 'Let me go you dumbass!' She yelled and kicked in the air. 'Give her back.' Armin said dangerously. If that jerk wasn't careful he'd break her wings and she wouldn't ever be able to fly again. Levi dropped her back in the lantern and locked it. 'Okay bastard. If you want her back then you'll have to do something.' 'What is it?' 'Make me smile.' Levi said simply, knowing even Armin couldn't do everything.

Erwin, one of the meanest looking pirates started laughing and soon everyone followed. Armin's eyes widened. That was impossible! But he had to try. 'I'll get Annie back no matter what.' He hissed and flew away. How was he supposed to make someone like Levi smile?! Children's toys weren't going to work seeing how that guy was an old geezer.

'Armin!' Annie yelled hopeless. 'Idiot.' She mumbled and sat down on the bottom of the lantern. How was he planning to do this?

Armin flew into the dark woods, home of the Indians. He had quite a few friends there and they were very smart. He could ask them for help right? He could hear them from far away. They were singing and low drums could be heard. Something was going on there. Armin landed on the ground and looked around. What was happening? Everyone was singing. The Indians were dancing in a circle around one of Armin friends, Mikasa. She was the most important girl in the camp. Everyone adored her. He looked at her. It had been a while since they had last seen each other but they were close friends. Mikasa was dancing too, but then on her own. A few feathers were stuck in her hair. When she noticed Armin she friendly waved, causing the other Indians to look his way. Armin smiled and waved back. He wasn't a pro, bit maybe it was a ritual.

When they were finally done dancing Mikasa and Eren, her closest friend, came to Armin. 'Hey Armin, how are you?' Eren asked happily. 'It's been a while.' Mikasa added. He looked worried. 'Actually, not so good. Annie is kidnapped by Levi.' Mikasa's eyes widen. 'I'm sorry for you.' She said softly. 'Hey! Eren! Come and help me for a bit!' A man, Jean, called the boy. 'Be right back.' He said and hurried to the older man. Mikasa nodded and looked back at Armin. 'Why did you come here?' 'Well, to get her back I need to make that old geezer smile. So, since you're smart and all I wanted to ask for your help.' 'You have to make Levi smile?' Christa passed by with Ymir. 'That's impossible.' Ymir added while shaking her head. Armin looked down. 'I have to. If I don't... I'm so afraid of what will happen to Annie. He almost broke her wings already and I don't want to know what more he can do.' Mikasa nodded. 'I understand. Give me a minute. Ymir, Christa, gather everyone for me okay?' The two girls nodded and hurried away. 'Sorry for causing trouble.' Armin mumbled. Mikasa gave him a soft smile. 'It's fine. We're going to help you.' 'Thanks.' Armin said and smiled soft. In no time everyone had gathered around a huge campfire.

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