Chapter 5

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A long time passed. They had a lot of fun together. Armin went to check on Petra one time, but she was doing fine. She apparently didn't let her hair grow, but she healed and was happy. Now that he had nothing to worry about he gave all his attention to Annie. They played games and had fun. They were extremely happy together like this.

One day Annie and Armin had went out at night to look at the full moon. They flew to a mountain which wasn't far away. They sat down on the ground and looked at the moon. He didn't spread much light, but just enough to see where you walked.

Armin looked up and smiled soft. 'It's really pretty. I really love this place, Neverland.' He said and sighed happily. Annie nodded. 'Armin?' She started. 'I have to tell you something.' She sounded really nervous. Armin looked at her a little worried. 'S-sure what is it?' He asked. She promised to never leave. So what could it be?

'I don't really know how to tell you. We've been friends for a long time, and I don't want to ruin that.' She looked down. 'Nothing will ever ruin that I promise.' He said and smiled soft. 'No matter what you tell me I will always be here for you.' Annie looked up at the moon.

'I...fell in love with you.' She whispered.

Armin was shocked to hear that. She loved him? She stood up and did a few steps back. 'I fell for you a long time ago. But I didn't realize until you saved me from Levi.' Armin looked at her with a soft smile. 'Annie-'

'And I know it is impossible or a human to love a fairy, so...' Slowly her light became brighter. Armin panicked a little. It couldn't be one of those tragic fairy tales where if a mythical creature falls in love with a human she vanishes right?!

'A-Annie, w-what's happening are you-' Annie smiled a sad smile. Her light kept growing. And her golden glow made it almost impossible to see her clearly. Armin looked down, not wanting to get blinded. 'A-Annie I...' he started. Right on that moment the light was too strong and he couldn't look at her anymore. Armin covered his eyes with his arm. If he looked now he'd definitely get blind. Suddenly the light was gone, and it was awfully quiet.

Armin looked up. What happened? Without Annie's normal light and glow it was pretty dark. But on the place she had stood was something else, someone else. It was a girl, a bit younger than him. He looked shocked. 'A-Annie is that y-you..?' 'Yes, it's me.' Her voice hadn't changed. He looked at her. She looked beautiful. He wanted to say something, anything.

'If you don't want it...' She started. 'What no that's- Annie I love you too.' He said and pulled her close. 'I really really love you.' He said. It was so nice, to finally be able to hug her. Annie hugged back. 'I can't fly anymore, so neither can you.' She whispered. 'I don't care. I can finally hug you, like this.' He said soft and held her closer. She softly smiled. 'I'm glad.' He smiled and looked at her. 'I love you.' he whispered and smiled soft. 'I love you too.' Annie answered. A fairy had the power to change into a human. But only once. She could change back, to fairy. But then she had to stay that way. She loved Armin and she wanted to be with him. Even if she had to give her wings up for that.


(A/N): So... This is the end. My friend and I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you liked it!

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