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it's not a secret that I'm just a reject

one week later•

"so yeah, we were invited to a frat party. it's tonight and we can bring coll. wanna go?" ashton asked me, unsure if I would respond well.
after ashton convinced me that it would be fun just to 'see what it was like', i agreed. i dialed coll and she was on her way. once my best girl friend arrived, we walked over to jake's party. i wasn't 100℅ sure why I agreed to this, but i tried to enjoy myself.
the whole house was filled with college students, mostly drunk. they were fist bumping and dancing to the pop music that blasted through the walls. someone had brought speakers. there was a ping pong table and foos ball table in the devolopped basement. drinks were in a cooler in the backyard, chips in various bowls were dispersed throughout the house. couples were all over each other, some not even considerate of the people around them. i scoffed at the sight of a couple doing it right on the couch, for everyone to see.
"get a room!" i called out grouchily.
the nerve of some people. the guy glared at me, but continued. i rolled my eyes and tried to find ashton again. he had set off to get drinks, but had been gone awhile. i wandered into the backyard, figuring he would be there. i soon saw him sitting in a lawn chair, sitting next to who i figured to be Jake. as I approached, i overheard a bit of conversation.
"so how are you and luke?" jake inquired while sipping whatever was in his red solo cup. ashton was quiet for a moment, then responded.
"he's great. we're great. i love him." he finished.
luke blushed at that, and decided to walk up to them.
"hey guys. i was looking for you, ash."
he smiled sheepishly and answered,  shrugging.
"sorry, luke. i forgot that you were waiting." he stood up and pecked me on the lips.
i took a seat next to ashton, getting comfortable with a cup in hand.
the night was young, the sun recently set and a cool breeze washing us over.

the night went on like that, until it was 2am and me, ash and coll were ready to leave. we found coll dancing, bottle in hand, yelling out the words to some pop song. grabbing her by the wrist, i pulled her out of the frat house, and the three of us walked home.

when we had arrived back at the dorm, coll decided to stay the night.
"i'm hungry. feeeeeeed me." coll whined from the couch, legs spread, taking up all the room.
ash laughed quietly, roaming around in the kitchen. he grabbed some crackers and tossed them onto the couch, getting an 'ow' from coll.
soon enough, she was passed out, crackers hanging limply from her hand. i changed into my oversized sweater and climbed into bed, patting the spot beside me for ash to join. he grinned and flopped next to me. seeking warmth, i wrapped my arms around his muscular body.
"i love you." i whispered, barely audible.
he responded with, "i love you more, luke."


a/n: sorry for the short chapter!!! I have a really great idea for where this story is headed, but I'm not sure how long I want it to be so idk when the big plot thingy I have planned will happen :/
for now, just chill with these filler chapters xx

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