Chapter 2 (Final Edit)

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(Please give me your honest opinion about the chapter in a comment. -- Gaudencio Y Sanchez Jr)

Chapter 2

Years passed and Ezra grew up with people avoiding his very presence. After years of isolation Ezra became fond of being alone. He paid no attention to their stares, whispers or harsh words. Being alone gave Ezra the freedom to create his own image. Wearing his hair combed forward he left long spikes of his brown hair to sway over his forehead. On his torso he wore a thin light brown jacket that stuck to his lean body. Blue jeans covered him from the waist down then dangled over his pair of brown and white shoes. Ezra loved clothes that were covered with pockets so he tried his best to find them. Since Ezra had no one to talk to he usually found himself watching the city move past him as he ventured down its cobble streets. With his hands shoved into his coat pockets Ezra gazed at the beige two story buildings that he knew since birth. Though his memories were not all peaceful, he did have some that could bring a smile to his face. Coming to a streetlamp Ezra turned to see a very strange man standing not too far from where he was.

“People of Lupith, gather around and witness tricks which y’ur eyes have never seen before.” Speaking with a strange accent that made his voice scratchy, and a bit hard to understand, he began to draw a crowd. Standing over six feet tall his strong face had dark shadows along his lower jaw. His stomach bulged forward which would make him an outstanding Santa. “As y’u may have guessed, I ‘m not from here, but from a city on the other side of the c’untry.” Dressed in a black suit with white cuffs folded over his wrists, ankles and collar he spun an umbrella between his fingers with little effort. Tapping the tip of his umbrella against his top hat his crowd grew bigger. Curious about this stranger, Ezra slowly made his way towards them. “I ‘m the one and only Jeszur, Man of the Circeins. I have travelled far and wide showin’ my tricks to all who dare watch.” Jeszur rubbed his shadowed chin. “Of course, no show is free. However, I will only charge five Gold.” The crowd whispered in excitement since it was a steal of a deal.

Digging into her pockets a woman noticed Ezra standing next to her then gasped, “Ezra!” Her sudden fear caused her hands to release her few pieces of Gold. She backed away pushing others aside.

“Ezra’s here.” Another whispered while the crowd quickly lost interest in Jeszur. Focusing on Ezra they were shocked to see him standing in the center of them all.

Ezra watched them scatter with uncaring eyes. This very sight was such a cliché that it no longer affected him. The adults that once shunned him now ran in terror. Ezra felt that was their just deserts. They never liked him to begin with. At least now he could wander freely through the city. Growing tired of watching the scurrying insects he looked back at Jeszur.

Seeing his money run away Jeszur stepped down from his wooden box asking, “What’s the matt’r? Why is everyone leavin’ so soon?” Scanning the crowd Jeszur noticed they were moving away from something. Retracing their steps Jeszur came to Ezra who remained where he stood. “Y’u there.” He raised his umbrella to point at Ezra. “What happened to the crowd?”

Ezra shrugged his shoulders. “No one likes to be around me.”

Jeszur raised an eyebrow since Ezra spoke with little effort. “And why not?” Ezra didn’t answer since he knew it was only a matter of time before he found out himself. Jeszur studied Ezra’s straight posture and saw nothing wrong with him. Then, he saw his feet which gave no shadow. “Hmm?” Jeszur looked at the bright sun hovering over them then back down to Ezra. Thinking he was hallucinating Jeszur pulled out a metal flask from his pocket. Holding it next to his ear he shook it. Hearing it was full he shoved it back into his pocket then stared at Ezra. “Boy, y’u have no shadow.”

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