Chapter 4

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(Please give me your honest opinion about the chapter in a comment. -- Gaudencio Y Sanchez Jr)

Chapter 4

Hours passed and they managed to gather everyone that ran for cover. With the help of every able person they gathered the tents and restored most of their stagecoaches. By time the injured were loaded into place, the glowing sun peeked over the horizon. Wanting to leave their encounter behind, the convoy rolled on. Not long after they set out they came to small hills that curved next to the road. Beyond their waves sat a large stone wall that stretched farther than anyone could see. Sitting atop their defense were boxes made of bricks. Countless guards walked between their posts to keep their city safe. Spotting the convoy they shouted orders to keep the doors closed.

“Bring yourselves to a halt.” A guard ordered from atop the wall. The convoy slowed letting their wheels squeal. “Where are you coming from?”

“Lupith,” Aldessa’s father shouted. “But we were attacked by both Red and Black Devils. We have many injured and need attention before their wounds grow worse.”

Giving a fellow guard some hand signals he returned his attention to the convoy. “We have men standing by who will take your wounded to the nearest medical facility. You are cleared to enter Celis.”

Their steel doors jerked in place. They opened with a low slur. True to their word, a small army of guards stood at the doors. Holding swords or spears in their hands they stood ready to attack if they felt threatened. Driving in, Aldessa’s father pointed the guards to their third stagecoach. Whistling, he waved his arm. The third stagecoach swerved out of the line. Guards pointed in a new direction and led the convoy away from them. Aldessa’s father parked his stagecoach next to a long brick wall. His fellow stagecoaches did the same. Studying the massive parking he and Aldessa weren’t surprised that they were not the only convoy there. Through the ripped fabric Ezra and Jeszur saw they were parked in a large courtyard which held at least five other convoys.

“This is Celis?” Ezra scanned the yard. “I thought it would be better.”

“This is one of the parking gates for Celis. The real beauty is inside the city.” Jeszur assured.

“We’ve arrived in Celis.” Aldessa spoke in her obedient tone. Ezra and Jeszur looked away from the courtyard. Wearing her cloak Aldessa entered the back of the stagecoach. She stood before them then slightly bowed. “I thank you for your help.”

“It was no problem at all Miss Aldessa.” Jeszur rose from his seat to bow back to her. “We were glad to help.”

“My thanks, however, is not enough.” Moving something inside her cloak Aldessa revealed a brown sack. She held it up to Ezra. “For your troubles, I created this for you…as a gift.”

Taking it in hand Ezra felt as if he was holding nothing so he opened it to see what was inside. “Whoa…” In a loss for words Ezra didn’t know what else to say.

“What is it?” Jeszur’s curiosity took the best of him. He yanked it out of Ezra’s hand. Pulling it open he, too, was lost for words when he saw their gift. “This is…” Unable to contain himself Jeszur began to jump in place. “This is—”

“Snatherin Armor.” Aldessa finished his sentence.

Ezra looked at Aldessa then back at their gift. “Is it really?” Reaching inside he pulled out a glass ball similar to the ones she handed out last night. Feeling its smooth texture Ezra noticed that it bulged between his fingers. “It’s all mushy. Are you sure it’s armor?”

“Ezra,” Jeszur reached in to hold his. “This is an Armor Sphere. Snatheras use this to create their armor.”

“Oh.” Ezra thought about what Jeszur said. “Oh!”

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