Chapter 2: I Don't Need To Be Rescued!

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After I am done with my fit, I walk over to the closet and Kianna helps me pick out a pretty over-sized sweater and a pair comfy jeans. A hear a car horn honk right after I finish braiding my hair. I start to go outside and get into my ride but right before I leave Kianna says, "I hope he takes you to Starbucks, so you can make him pay."

"I hope so too." I say. I hug her and walk outside to the beautifully dressed boy driving the red car. He gets out and opens the door for me. I say thank you as I silp into my seat.
"I'm Mikeal." the boy says as he also gets into the car.

"I'm-" I pause as I realize that this isn't a chauffeur that I'm here with, it's my Fiance. "I'm Kianda, but most people just call me Kindy." I finally force out. "So aren't you like my fiance?" I ask a little loud.

"Well aren't you a little forward?" He chuckles. I blush because I just made a fool of myself in front of my fiance.

"I take that as a yes." I don't speak to him again but he decides to speak to me for some absurd reason.

"Don't you want to get to know me, you know pry. Then complain and nag about something. Like most women do. I suppose you aren't like most women though, are you."

"Excuse me but what gave you the right to say that about women; and no I'm not like most women. Thank you for asking!" We arrive at Starbucks in perfect time I quickly climb out of the car so he can't open the door for me. I stop and stand right in front of him, we are at eye level because of my 4 inch wedges. I stare at him and I say "I don't need to be rescued; I am strong and i can fight my own battles! I don't know how you we're raised, but it differs from how I was raised.

"Sorry." He mutters as I open the door for myself. He closes the car door and follows behind me cautiously, unaware of what other powers I hold.

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