Chapter 5

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This is the last time I'll warn you about a naughty scene!

I wake up the next morning, it's Friday and everyone else is at work. I decide to scavenge up some sexy clothes for tonight. I finally decide on a short purple dress and some silver heels. As I lay them down on my bed I smell fresh bacon. I walk down stairs and try to think of who would be here to make food. I see Mikeal manning the stove and I walk up behind him and put my arms around him. "A man who knows how to cook is pretty sexy."

He laughs and picks me up and puts me on the counter. I'm still wearing my big over-sized sweater from last night. He kisses my neck. "How about you go get washed up and then we can eat some of this food." I jump down and walk upstairs to my room and I grab a nice tee shirt and cozy leggings. I hop in the shower and when I'm done I see a trail of roses leading down stairs and to the dining room. He motions for me to sit at the dining table with him but I have something better in mind. I go and sit on his lap, straddling his legs. "We have this whole house to ourselves and you want to eat breakfast!?" I ask unbuttoning his shirt.
"Well naughty girl!" He says as he begins to kiss my neck. His kisses feel so nice against my still damp skin. I moan in pleasure. He notices that I like it and kisses harder. I back away from his lip and continue unbuttoning his shirt.

Mikeal begins to move stuff off the table. *Knock Knock*
"Ignore it," I say as I wrap my arms around him, touching his bare back. *Knock Knock Knock*
"Kinddyy!" Mikeal says.
"Ugh!" I say as I get up. "Hello" I say as I open the door. My mother walks in with my aunt and what I think is Mikeal's mother. "Mikeal, we have guests for your breakfast!" I yell as I scurry in and help him fix the table while he buttons his shirt back up.

"Ohhh, she's beautiful!" Mikeal's mother says as she bear hugs me.
"Thank you." I say as I move my hair out of my face.
"Mine name is Penelope, but you can Penn."
We all sit down and eat and they ask me about myself. Afterward, we begin to plan the wedding. We decide on the colors, yellow and pink. It's going to be a spring wedding. Outdoor, semiformal. Tomorrow we have to pick out the food. Everything is moving so fast, I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I love Mikeal. I'm too young to know what I want. I just want happiness. And if Mikeal doesn't give me happiness, I don't know what I'll do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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