Chapter 3: Sorry And Smooches

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This chapter gets a little steamy, you are warned...

I get into the line and take out my wallet. Mikeal walks up behind me and takes out a 20. While I'm not looking, he slips it into my wallet and I notice it as I pay the barista for my Grande Passionfruit Tea.
"You didn't have to do that you know," is what I say as we walk over to our table.

"I think that I did, um listen. I'm really sorry about what I said earlier; I'm not usually like this. I didn't know what to think about this whole arranged marriage thing. Ya know?"

"Yeah I get. I'm sorry too."

We finish our drinks and Mikeal goes and throws them away as I walk out to the car. "Mikeal, I was promised a walk..."

"I know, I know just get into the car, hotstuff."

I blush at the nickname and quickly hide my face. Mikeal notices but doesn't say anything. He can be a good guy sometimes, sometimes.

We arrive at a beautiful park with flowers everywhere and we sit down underneath a huge willow tree. I begin to climb it as willows are usually quite easy to climb.

"Kindy, get down from there!"

"Why should I?"

"Because I want to talk to you!"

"Then come up here and talk to me." I say as I begin to taunt him. Mikeal then decides to climb up there with me. I crawl up to a nice sturdy branch where both of us can sit. Mikeal does the same. He gets up there and tickles me but then stops right away at my orders. We started to stare in to each others eyes and we begin to lean in. We start to kiss, at first akwardly and then passionately. We switch sides and he put me up against the tree itself and he goes under neath my shirt and begins to hold on to my waist and we switch sides again I giggle at this. I crawl on top of him and our intense makeout session is halted by Mikeal's ringing phone. I get off of him and he groans a sigh of disapproval and answers his phone.

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