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A few hours later Rihanna is still in her hotel room by herself. He's laying down, trying to squeeze a nap into her schedule but she just can't go to sleep. All she can think about is her and Ciara's friendship. After their misunderstanding TWO years ago, it hasn't been the same since.

Rihanna: *I still have her number, should I call?*

Rihanna begins to dial Ciara's number, then she hears a knock on the door.

*gets up and opens*

Melissa and Jenn (Two best friends) show up with a whole bunch of bags.

Melissa: "Robyn! We have so much clothes right now it's ridiculous. I love New York they have the best clothes. We bought you some shoes!"

Rihanna: "Thanks girls you always think of me! I'm still feeling down. Even beautiful shoes like this won't cheer me up."

Jenn: "What's really wrong? Is there something you're not telling us?"

Rihanna: "I'm fine. I guess I'm just tired and stressed over the tour."

Rihanna knows the whole Ciara mishap is bothering her. But she knows Melissa isn't so find of Ciara, so she doesn't want to start trouble.

Rihanna: "Girls, I'll be right back."

Melissa: "Where you going?"

Rihanna: "To the lounge downstairs, I'll be right back."

Rihanna takes her phone with her and leaves the hotel room, and heads downstairs. Instead of going into the lounge like "she said", she goes into another hotel room on a different floor...

What is she about to do?

Rihanna & Ciara's Mishap!Where stories live. Discover now