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While on a different floor Rihanna takes out her iPhone and unlocks it. Ciara's number is not saved, although she knows it by heart.

*begins to dial number*

*ring ring*

Rihanna: "Ugh. No answer. Why did i even think to call her?"

With frustration, Rihanna gets up to go back to the hotel room with Jen and Melissa.

Melissa: "Robz, where have you been? We have to do some more shopping!"

Rihanna: "Guys, i'm really not up for it right now. The tour is in New York for three days. We have some time to shop. i just want to chill. Can we just do that?" says Rihanna calmly.

Jenn: "Alright, you got it. How about the Jacuzzi?"

Melissa: "Let's do it."

Rihanna goes in the room to change into her bathing suit. She suddenly feels her phone vibrating.

Rihanna: "It's Ci!."

*picks up*

(On the phone)

Rihanna: "Hello"

Ciara: "Hey...... you called? I wasn't sure if you called by accident or anything."

Rihanna: "No, I called. I've been thinking lately. The "beef" we so called had two almost three years ago is silly. I don't even remember why it happened."

Ciara: "I know! I thought everything was good, until the pettiness started. I wanted to reach out to you, but you made it pretty clear you weren't down for a truce."

Rihanna: "To be honest, I wanted a truce. I was just so caught up in my own feelings.

Ciara: "So what happened?"

Rihanna: "I honestly don't remember. Can we meet up soon?"

Ciara: "Of course,  when are you free?"

Rihanna: "I'm in New York for three days, the tour is here."

Ciara: "I'm here for the rest of the week, thats great. I fly back to Atlanta next week."

Rihanna: "Great, we can meet at the Halai Diner."

Ciara: "Sounds cool. What time?

Rihanna: "Is 8 good?"

Ciara: "Great. See you then."

*hangs up*

Rihanna hangs up the phone, and puts on her bathing suit to meet with up to Jen ad Melissa.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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