Six | I Just Want You Back

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Part 2
As my last child left, I started packing up my things. "Can we talk now?" Steve asked from his spot at the table. He'd been really helpful.

He helped multiple kids with their work, and was even kind enough to grade some papers. But still, I gave him a look. "Steve, what do you want?"

He didn't say anything, he just walked over to me. He placed a hand on my thigh, and my breath got caught in my throat. With ease, he lifted me so I was sitting on my desk.

He kissed my neck, and I held onto his shoulders to steady myself. After about 2 minutes of his lips abusing my neck, I stopped him.

"Steve-" "Marie, I love you. I love you so much, and I can't imagine my life without you.." He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. I didn't say anything.

I zipped my bag closed, pulling it over my shoulder. I let him out the classroom first so I could lock the door.

I immediately went out to my car, Steve close on my heels. "Marie, what's wrong?" He asked, and I shook my head. "I don't know if I can do this, Steve. I don't."

I told him. He gave me a confused stare, looking for me to continue. "I don't know if I can be with someone that every time they walk out the door, I don't know if I'll be able to see them again."

I didn't know I was crying until I felt my tears rushing down my cheeks. "Steve, I love you, too. But I-I just don't know." His face held a sad look and his eyes held much pain.

"I'm sorry, Marie. I have a job and a duty to protect my country and its people." He walked over to me, cupping my face in his hands.

"Just know that I'll always come back to you. Always."

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