Fourteen | Back To You

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It was around 12PM when I heard a loud knock on the door. Bucky had a key to his own apartment, so he didn't need to knock. Who was it?

I peeped out the window to see Nick, Steve and a few S.W.A.T officers outside. I could see that as no one answered the door, Steve grew more and more impatient.

I slipped back into the back room, hiding under behind the counter. When I first moved in, I knew the deal. Even if it was Steve, I knew S.H.I.E.L.D would have Bucky locked away.

After a few minutes, I heard some shouting from outside, and I could recognize Bucky's voice. I ran out to see them putting Bucky in handcuffs.

I opened the door and yelled saying, "leave him alone!" Steve's head snapped in my direction, and he was mesmerized. "Marie.." He whispered but I still heard him.

"What are you talking about? He works for H.Y.D.R.A, and is a threat to S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick explained, and I shook my head. "No he's not," I spoke. "He's misunderstood, a-and he just needs someone to be there for him."

I said, and Nick scoffed. He turned around, talking away. Steve ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me. As great as it was to see him again, all I could think about was Bucky..

Say Something » Steve Rogers | Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora