Part 5

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I wake up on Nics couch and as i go to get up, I fall back in pain from my bottom area.

"What the fuck!" A guy shouts as he walks in, dropping groceries from his arms.

I immediately fall off the small couch that somehow Nic and I fit on last night. Strangely I dont remember what happened after the part where Thomas went into the maze.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He shouted stepping closer causimg me to scoot back, cringing in pain.

"I-Im Harry. N-Nic's f-friend." I stutter out and he laughed.

"Your hickeys on your neck proves your more than his friend. My face flushes in confusion. 'What hickeys?' I think.

"W-what? I have hickeys? What the actual fuck is going on right now...?" I mumble the last part to myself. The guys face switches to guilt and worry.

Thats when i hear Nic laugh. "Did you do that to this boy Nicolous?" The scary guy looked at Nic in disappointment and regret.

"Oi! Shut it. God Niall. He doesnt remember what happened." Nic laughs.

"N-niall. Shit. I know that name from somewhere.." I mumble to myself.

"Harry?! Nic!! Thats Louis' boyfriend! I thought you agreed to not do that to any guys boyfriends. You swore." Niall scolded him.

"W-what did he do?" I feel the worried feeling in my stomach grow bigger. What did Nic do.

"Go wait outside Harry. Ill drive you home." Niall sighed and helped me to the door and sat me down in the hall.

I groan but what to know what the hell happened.

"I didnt know! Louis was forcing him with him so i thought-"

"Nicolous! You cant go around fucking a guy after-"

"Shut up Niall! Hes right out in the hallway!"

I try to get closer and i place my ear on the door as it swings open and Nic slams a bat in my head, making everything go black.

Nialls POV

"Nic! What the hell!" I shout, running over to Harry and bending down to examine his bleeding head. "You couldve killed him!"

"Oh well. You know the drill. You take him to the road and let a car hit him. Then take him to the hospital and tell them he got hit. They take him in. Fix him. He looses his memory. Then boom. Everyones happy. Harry wont know anything and wont be able to say everything. Come on Ni. We've done this plenty of times. Remember. I know that secret about what you did to-"

"Shut it. Okay. Ill do it but i swear this is the last time!" I groan and drag Harry out the doors and lay him in the road then kiss his head and run out the street.

A car comes speeding just as Harry stands up. A loud screech and the sound of a body hitting the car then the road rings out and i look over and see the girl and boy get out the car as both are crying.

"Harry!" The asian boy sobs. He looks around and notices me.

I run over and force myself to cry. "You hurt my brother! I just got him back and you probably killed him!" I lean down and cradle Harry to my chest sobbing. Fake, of course.

"We're so sorry." The red and blue haired girl cried.

"Sorry doesnt save him!" I cry harder.

The ambulance pulls up and they grab Harry and i jump in and i sigh guiltily as I watch us drive away.

Step One Complete.
Step One

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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