Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV

It began to pour outside.
Like, it was pitch dark at 2pm, and the rain was bashing into the wall closest to us.
Honestly, I was a bit scared.
But, I shook it off, knowing it was nothing to worry about.
Suddenly, as Tom, Tucker, Sonja and Wag explained their case, BOOM.
The brick wall bursted open, bricks flying everywhere.
Everyone screamed, bits of bricks flying.
But, suddenly, a brick flew towards me, and bounced off.
Just like the explosion.
I had a shield, and my first instinct was to look over at everyone else.
They all had a shield.
I turned around to see Lee evilly laughing, and everyone else noticed it.
Next, I jumped in front of Lee to protect him from a brick.
Why, I don't know.
"LEE IS GUILTY!" The jury screamed.
Suddenly, officers fought the wind, and tried to grab Lee.
But, it was too late.
Lee chuckled, grabbing me, and running out of the court house.
I tried to break free of his grasp, but he had a tight hold of me.
"HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE!" I screamed, but the wind covered up my yells for help.
He quickly shoved me into his old, beaten down black Honda, and locked the doors once I was inside.
"What... just happened?" I ask, out of breath.
"You... I've been so blind over the years."
"Ever since you were 6, I was looking for the two champions of Mianite, the champion of Dianite, a wizard and the champion of Ianite. And you were the Ianite champ."
"Who do you think you are? How do you know this?" I snap at him.
"Meet me. Lee. Champion of the Shadows."
Without further hesitation, I tried to open the car door to jump out, even though he was going 100 miles per hour.
After the unsuccessful attempts, I began banging on the windows, try to break the window to climb out.
"Let me out!"
"You're coming home."
"LET ME OUT!" I yell at him, climbing over the seats, grabbing the steering wheel from him.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?" He yells, giving me a look as if I'm crazy.
"AS LONG AS YOU GO DOWN, YES!" I snap, sharply turning the wheel to the right.
"JORDAN YOU ID-" he snapped, cut off by me blacking out on impact.

Lee's POV

Thank the Shadows I didn't pass out in the crash.
Luckily, he did.
What an idiot.
I grab him, and run to the house.
I shove him into the basement, and locked the doors, and barricaded them.
"M'lord. I have one."
"Well? Get the others, you idiot!"
"I have a plan. It should be easier for me and a lot more slicker."
"Very well then, I do trust you, after all."

Tom's POV

The storm calmed down, but NO ONE could get over the fact that Lee just grabbed Jordan and ran for it.
"What the..." Sonja says, looking at the others.
"Tom... calm do-" Skipper says.
Everyone fell silent, and he snapped, "Good! Now, let's go!"
"Tom, as much as we'd love to go, we don't know what we're up against."
"WE'RE UP AGAINST HIS ABUSIVE "PARENT!" We know what we're doing!" I yell.
"But, he could be more than just that."
"Stronger than us."
"You know what I did here before we left this place."
"Don't worry- you know what Jordan did when we left Ruxomar."
"Let's just go! Come on!"
"Fine. But it's on you if we get hurt."
"Ok! LET'S VENTURE FORTH!" I yell, running out the hole in the wall.

Jordan's POV

I slowly woke up, and looked around. I was in the basement.
My body ached all over, and I was drenched.
It was probably from the harsh rain hitting me, and the fact that I was in a car crash.
And lived.
I stood up, and walked around, looking at the concrete walls.
This place had nothing but empty boxes, and a few chairs.
I ran up to the door to the first door, and tried to open it.
I banged on it, hoping for a positive result.
Soon, I gave up, going back to the chairs, and sitting down in one of them.
They were highly uncomfortable, but a lot better than the floor.
"Ianite... help me..." I whisper, burying my facd into my hands.
"A puny Goddess can't help you now, Jordan."
I looked up, and was greeted by Lee.
"I'm the champion of the Shadows, you're the champion of Ianite. It was a mission assigned to me by M'lord."
"He will never be a true lord."
"Mhm." He says, sharpening a blade.
Suddenly, he placed the blade over my neck, and pins me down to the chair.
"The Shadows will never be a true lord." I say.
"And what kind of lady is Ianite?"
"A whole lot better than the Shadows."
He sinks the knife deeper.
"Mianite, Dianite and Ianite!"
"Who?" He says, a black aura projecting from his eyes, it rolling out of his eyes like steam.
I start sweating, then brave the consequences.
"Mianite, Dianite and Ianite."
"My definition of a lord includes being humane."
"In your dreams."
"Ianite is weak! She couldn't help you when you had the biggest choice in your life."
"GUESS WHO KILLED YOUR GOD!" I snap, without thinking.
He stops, and let the knife fall.
"You. Monster." He says.
"YOU'RE SAYING THAT TO ME? Look at yourself! You've been a monster for decades!"
"IT WAS MY JOB! But... you.You let him die..."
"IT WAS HIM OR 9 OTHER PEOPLE AND I! At least I choose to save more people." (OOH THAT BURN!!)
He pinned me to the wall, slamming my head against the hard concrete.
"Shadows, m'lord. Would you care to assist me with his execution?"
"Gladly." The Shadows spoke, appearing out of thin air.
"Miss me?" He says, smirking evilly.
Before I could respond, I heard an oh-so familiar wispy voice say, "Like I'm going to let them kill you."
"Ianite?" Lee yells, looking shocked at the Shadows.
"Mhm. Lay a finger on him and you will pay the ultimate price."
But, being the idiotic people they are, and began punching and kicking me, and I fought back.
And with that, Ianite joined the battle.


Two chapters in one day?
That's insane!
It is.
*strums Mexican guitar*

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