Chapter 9

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Jordan's POV

Soon after I shot the gun, I heard 2 distinct voice come closer.
Zack and Justin's.
My eyes begin to dart around the room in panic.
"Jordan, what's wro-?" Dianite asked quietly, before I ran towards a pile of boxes, and hid.
"Cmon! Those guys won't help us."
"Huh?" Andor asked.
"Please." I beg.
Finally, they went behind the stack of boxes with me.
"Dude, I know I'm not crazy. You heard that gunshot too, right?" Justin questioned.
"Yea- OH MY GOD!" Zack yelled, soon coming upon Seth's dead body.
"Holy crap..." Justin muttered, bending down beside him.
"Is he dead?" Zack asked, also kneeling down beside him.
"Bo-o-o-xe-es" Seth warned them, with his final breaths.
They look at one another, then to the pile of boxes we were hiding behind.
Finally Seth gave out, and perished, with his last words being, "G-ood l-l-luc-k. He-'s h-h-ha-rd to k-k-k-k-ki-ll."
"Who? WHO IS HARD TO KILL?" Zack asked, shaking Seth's motionless body.
"Give it up, dude. He's a goner. Let's check those boxes over there." Justin sighed.
"Alright." Zack said, standing up. "Why couldn't it have been Jordan who was shot?"

Tom's POV

"Give me the gun." I quickly whisper to Jordan.
At first, he shot me an insane look, but
tossed it over to me.
I stood up, with the gun ready to shoot.
The guy with black hair and green eyes yelled, "WHOA WHOA, dude, chill. Inhale, exha-"
"Why'd you do it? Huh?" I snap.
"You killed him!"
"No I didn't, actually."
"YOU'RE HOLDING A GUN, DUDE!" The blonde guy pointed out.
"DO WHAT?" They both shout.
"I think he's mentally insane." The black haired guy whispered to the other guy.
"I'm not." I insist.
"What's 'it?'"
"Bully who?"
"Jordan. Jordan Maron." I conclude.
"You are mentally insane, sir." The blonde says.
I frown harshly, my eyes drilling into their's.
"I-I'm about to call 911. You need to calm down, lie down the gun, and explain to us what happened."
I drop the gun next Mot and Dianite, who were cuddling. (MOTANITE! ;D)
"Alright, what's your name?"
"Why'd you shoot him?"
"I didn't."
"Then who did?"
"You sure you wanna know? Because honestly, the truth will shock you."
"Dude, tell us!"

Jordan's POV

Mot was wielding the gun, ready to fire.
"It wasn't me."
"Oh my Dianite. Dude! Tell us who then!" Justin stresses, leaning back in his chair.
Suddenly, everyone else stands up, but they motion for me to stay down.
"WHOA WHAT!" Zack shouts, jumping back.
"Who shot Seth, huh? Who did it?"
Mot wielded a gun, and they looked shocked.
"I'm about to-to call 9-1-1. S-set down the gun, sir, and we can all get this straight. We can restart!" Justin bargained.
Mot dropped the gun, and I quickly grabbed it.
"Ok, I'm Justin." Justin says.
"And I'm Zack. What're your names?"
"Tom, like I said"
"Dan." Dianite finished.
"Alright, this is all a big misunderstanding, we were looking for our friend-" I quickly jumped up with the gun in my hands.
"FRIEND?" I yell at them.
They looked shocked and their eyes read, "OOOH crap..."
"Uhh, this all just a big misunderstanding..." Justin said awkwardly.
"A MISUNDERSTANDING?" I snap at them.
"Oh, so you didn't mean to chase me, and almost lead me to my doom? Huh? It was all an accident?" I rant on.
They were silent, as I snap.
"J-Jordan, r-re-relax." Zack begs, warily.
"You know what? NO! You aren't one to boss me around."
"Jordan?" Tom questioned. "You need to put the gun down, please, this isn't the Jordan I know."

Facing The Facts <Sequel to "Everyone Has A Past">Where stories live. Discover now