Chapter 8

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Gaines' POV

Jordan kicked the knife over to me, and I quickly made an attempt to get it, however, it was quiet difficult.
Our hands and feet were tied tightly to chairs, restraining us from moving.
I slumped down in my chair, my hands dangling even lower to the ground, and reached out for the knife.
"Just.... a.... bit.... more...." I mumble, my fingers wiggling for the blade.
Suddenly, the knifes soft handle was in my grasp, and I quickly began to saw off the rope in which restrained my hands, then my legs.
I run over to the others, and began to saw off the ropes.
As I cut off Tom's I accidentally cut him, pretty deeply.
He was wincing in pain, yelping whenever I cut him.
Suddenly, he stood up, wobbled around, and collapsed to the ground.

Tom's POV

I woke up, looking around. Gaines was freeing Tucker, and I just kept my eyes glued on him as he sawed the rope.
A sudden scream rang through the air, piercing everyone's ears.
I look over at the assassin, who got another knife, however, it was extremely deep in Jordan's chest.
Everyone screams, and the lights flicker, one more person showing up dead every flicker.
First Gaines
Then Wag
Then Martha
Then Andor
Then Sonja
Then Tucker
Then Dianite
Then Mot
Then, worst of all, I was last.
"Nighty, night, Tommy boy."

I jolted awake, my eyes darting around the room. Gaines was sawing free Tucker.
Everything looked like my dream.
My eyes dart over to Jordan and the assassin, who were struggling with a knife.
The knife was growing dangerously close to Jordan's chest - where he was pierced.
Without thinking, I bolted upwards, and dashed over to them, knocking over the assassin, having him drop the knife.
"Tom! You're ok!" Tucker shouts, but I ignore it, holding this murderer down.
"Any last words?" I growl.
"M-my name is S-S-Seth, the sec-sec-second champion of the sh-a-adows. L-L-L-L-Lee and I were assigned the s-same mission, so I took a more m-mild approach. I k-k-killed his dad, m-mom, and s-stepdad. Ye-yes, I was the b-b-b-b-b-bomber." He chokes out.
I glance over to Jordan, who looks shocked.
"But why?" Jordan asks.
"It was 1994, and I was near death. I was originally a rock climber, and I was climbing a steep mountain. However, I was c-caught under a certain area, and the Shadows promised to make me their champion, and save me if I submit to them fully, an-and do whatever he commands. I-I didn't want to, but I'd be dead if I didn't." He cries.
I glance over to Jordan, who looks confused.
He glances over to me, and my communicator buzzes, notifying me that Jordan joined a chat room.
"Tom, he killed my parents, but he also didn't want to kill them... I don't know what to do..." Jordan explains.
"Did you want to kill them?" I question.
"...Your father and I were good friends, he was the only one I could have ever trust in my whole life. Yes, it is true that we had our rough patches."
"And we got into our biggest fight. He didn't want to look at me. I told him about me submitting to the Shadows, and of course he got mad. So, M'lord commanded me to assassinate him, so I did. I worked with Lee to kill your mom, stepdad and you. For our lives. You survived, and still I don't know how."
"I was mad at him, so for the time being, yes."
Jordan's eyes lit up with fury, and then calmed.
"What was he like?"
"You could've asked him anything, and you asked him that?!" Tucker yelled, in disbelief.
I shoot a glare at him, and he quickly steps down.
"He wasn't afraid, ever. He would stand up for what's right, and do anything to keep you and your mom alive. He was a fearless fighter, the best I've ever seen." Then Seth pauses. "More people have died in order to keep you alive, you know that, right Jordan?"
"What do you mean?"
"Originally, I was going to break into your apartment with your mom and stepdad, and stab you all to death. But my car broke down, and in the process, my partner died. Your mom, dad and stepdad died protecting you. I NEVER WANTED TO HAVE TO KILL ANYONE, BUT IF I DIDN'T, I WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD LONG AGO!" Seth began to raise his voice in anger at him. "I'VE KILLED MORE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOU! THE SHADOWS AND I BOTH KNEW THAT IF I DIDN'T KILL YOU, MORE PEOPLE WOULD PERISH! AND YOU CALL ME A MURDERER! YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF YOUR PARENT'S DEATH!"

Adam's POV

"What has come over him." I say in disbelief, watching everything. "The Shadows have taken him over."
"Jordan's strong, man. He can make it through this, make the right choice." Josh comments, patting my back. (I never gave Jordan's stepdad a name: it's now Josh.)
"What'd he ever do to deserve this?" Grace cries, covering her eyes.
"Hey, he's strong. He knows what he's doing." I reassure, putting my hand on her shoulder.
Tears stained her cheeks, her face red and eyes puffy.
"Hey, hey. Shh, it's gonna be ok." I coo, bringing her into a hug.
I look over at Josh. "Hey, aren't you gonna comfort your wife?" I joke.
"Oh, shut up." Josh replies, hugging her with me.
As we hug in silence, I whisper, breaking the silence, "You got this, Jordan."

Jordan's POV

Seth had a table, with various weapons, and I quickly grabbed a handgun.
"DON'T SHOOT!" Seth begged.
"So it's ok for you to beat me down and not pay the consequences?" I snap, loading the gun.
"J-Jordan... please... is this what your mom, your dad, your stepdad would've wanted? For you to become a cold-blooded murderer?"
My finger was wrapped around the trigger, ready to fire.
"And imagine how your parents reacted when they found out you submitted to the Shadows, huh? At least I'm not worshipping a demon!"
"Hey!" Dianite shouts.
"Not you. You're cool. BUT THE SHADOWS." I reply. "If anyone's a cold-blooded murderer, it's him."
"SHOOT THE GUN, JORDAN!" Mot yelled, in pure concern.
I closed my eyes, as I pulled the trigger back, a loud bang coming from the gun, ending Seth - the killer of my mom, dad, and stepdad.


Loads of action :3
*strums Mexican guitar*

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