Chapter Three

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blake's POV
The next day I woke up at the crack ass of dawn and prepared myself to repeat another bland, seemingly endless day. Once I got to school I kept my head down and made my way through the halls to my first class. The day went by generally the same until my third class. I had English this period and my English teacher was a total douche, and absolutely full of himself so he cockily strut up to the front of the classroom and in his condescending British tone said, "Okay, so I know we've been reading Romeo and Juliet this past week, so I'm going to assign a project," He paused eliciting a cheer to go around the room, "but I will be picking your partners." He finished satisfied at seeing all the disappointed faces around the room. He shuffled some papers around on his desk before putting his reading glasses on and putting his face very close to the paper in his hands, still squinting as if the glasses weren't actually making a difference in his vision. He starting calling off pairs of names going down his paper, and I waited anxiously to hear my name. I didn't know who I'd be paired up, anyone could be a disaster with me because for one I didn't really know anyone in this class and two I was pretty much a disaster no matter what the situation. Name after name was called and I could feel my hands actually shaking due to my combined anxiety and nervousness. 

"Blake and Michael." My teacher called out in his dry tone. I looked around the classroom, wondering who this Michael was and locked eyes with this blue haired boy who was also looking haphazardly around the room. We had awkward eye contact for a few short moments before we both turned quickly away. There was something about Michael, even though we only locked eyes for a few short moments, he had the same look in his eyes that I was all too familiar with. It was kind of a mixture of a lost and hurt look that I tended to always have. I figured this project would go by pretty good, at least I wasn't partnered up with one of the non stop talkers or a bitchy cheerleader or a brainless jock that would make me do all the work. He told us our instructions for the project, which was basically to chose a scene from the novel and fill out the giant ass packet he's going to hand out and illustrate the scene. It wasn't too challenging, just pretty time consuming. He then excused us to go grab our packets and get working. I got up from my seat and walked over to his desk picking up the packet, that was a lot heavier than I expected, and made my way over to Michael's desk. I sat across from him and he looked up at me, his green eyes meeting my blue ones. 

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." Michael said quietly. He kept his hands in his lap and I mimicked his gesture, fumbling around with my fingers. I breathed in and took y pencil in one hand and put my hand to the paper. I wrote down our names on the top and looked up back at Michael, who was staring at me thoughtfully. 

"Should we get started?" I asked cracking a small smile.


When the period was about to end, Michael and I had attacked a few of the pages of the monstrous packet. It seemed like both of us were breaking down a few of our walls and actually enjoying each others company and laughing and smiling a little bit, which I rarely did anymore. The project in whole was due next week and we were told we wouldn't get much more class time to work on it, so we should plan out of school time to get it done. 

"Should we meet up at my house?" I asked. An uneasy look flashed across his face and within a second it was gone.

"Maybe we should go to mine." He said. I smiled and nodded, not seeing any problem with that. He smiled shyly and at that moment the bell rang. I got my bag together and sent one last look towards Michael before getting up and leaving the classroom. I went through my classes the rest of the day with a slightly better attitude than usual. I felt in a way lighter and caught myself smiling randomly more often. When the final bell rang I made my way home not even fearing what was awaiting me at home. I came through the door and was immediately greeted with screaming going on in the other room. Same as usual so it didn't even phase me anymore as I leisurely made my way to the kitchen and threw the cabinets open, scavenging for some kind of snack to eat before I inevitably made my own dinner later. I grabbed a pack of Oreo's and a Pepsi from the fridge before making my way up to my room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I arranged my blankets on my bed accordingly and slid under them, putting my snacks on my lap and grabbing y remote from my side table. I clicked the TV on and scrolled through Netflix stopping on New Girl and resuming it from where I left off. This show was my shit and Zooey Deschanel was just fucking amazing. I hadn't watched this show in a while, I typically did when I was happy and in the mood to laugh and I was currently in that mood. I didn't understand why I was suddenly happier today, I knew it probably had to do with Michael. I hadn't actually been social or interacted with anyone in a long ass time and I felt like Michael and I were similar in some way and it was easier to be myself when we were together. I didn't really understand all the emotions I was feeling and everything that was spinning around in my mind, but I just decided to avoid all of that right now and focus on New Girl which is exactly what I did. I stuffed my hand into the Oreo container and grabbed a fist full before stuffing them into my mouth, in a completely unladylike manor, and then washing it down with some Pepsi before swallowing that gulp and laughing my ass off at Schmidt and the usual dumb shit he was getting himself into.    

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