Chapter Seventeen

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Blake's POV
I can't believe who Michael has turned out to be. He did a complete 180 with his attitude and personality and I am baffled. I didn't even have time to be sad and cry in my own self loathing the way most teenage girls do because it was so completely random and I was caught off guard. And when I talked to him in the hall the week after the party he didn't even seem phased by it. Like, not even sad or regretful at all. Was I really that forgettable? It's been a few weeks since then and there's been no change. I try to hang out with Ashley a lot more lately, since I'd kind of neglected her for a while and really needed the company after being left alone. I know I can make it without him. He's going to regret losing me, I'm damn sure of it.

*** 2 years later ***
I went off to college across the coast in Santa Monica, California. I've been having the time of my life and made tons of new friends here that appreciate me for the person I am. I lost contact with my parents last year, they didn't care about me anyway. I haven't heard from Michael in at least that long, either. I don't know if he's changed or not. He went to college in New York, so there's quite a distance between us. It's spring break currently, and a group of friends and I were headed down to Venice beach and the boardwalk and all that touristy shit. Wearing a scantily pink bikini, with matching flip flops and a crochet cover up thrown on top I made my way confidently to the beach from the parking lot where we had just parked and lugged all our beach gear from. I saw, all the way across the beach, a blonde haired boy notice me and then to my surprise make their way towards me. Smoothing down my front quickly and running my hands through my hair I looked up just to come face to face with the supposed stranger.
"Hey there." He said.
"Um, hi." I replied a little awkwardly.
"It's been a long time." he said. I crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion and thought for a second. Looking into those eyes it hit me. Michael. I had spent so much time missing him, I'd almost forgotten what he'd looked like. I missed the Michael I fell in love with. Now, standing in front of him I wondered if that Michael was back or not.
"A really long time, how are you?" I asked.
"Oh, fine, how about you?" he asked.
"Fine." I replied. A moment of silence passed over us before he let out a deep breath.
"Blake, I have to confess something. I miss you so much, and regret every single day how I let you slip through my fingers so blindly. I'm so sorry for not putting you first when you truly deserved it. I was a dumb kid in high school with fucked up priorities, but I've grown and learned that you're my top priority, forever and always. I just really want you to give me a second chance." He confessed. Honestly, I was thrown a little off guard, but I couldn't deny how many nights I laid awake dreaming of something like this to happen to me. He seemed sincere, and actually remorseful so I took his word for it. I should be a little more hesitant in this decision, seeing and he up and left last time, but I decided to follow what my heart was telling me.
"Okay, Michael, okay." I said. His eyes widened in disbelief and then he picked me up in his arms and swung me around, laughing and smiling like crazy.
"We're going to make this work." he said.
"We're going to make this work." I repeated, smiling just as widely.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you too, Michael."

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