Chapter 2

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Maybe it's a good thing.

"No Grime, this isn't a good thing!" I pace back and forth in front of the packed boxes in my room contemplating whether or not to run to Janes. I haven't even told her yet. How am I going to tell my best friend we are moving.

"Why are we even moving in the first place?" I mutter to myself.

Remember what your mom said? Your grandfather pasted and gave his house to your parents. Or, now it's just to your mother and you.

"Don't, remind me," I growl. When my dad left with that whore, it put mom and I in such a bad mood we didn't speak for weeks. She blames herself that it happened, when really it's his fault. I fall back on my bed and sigh looking at the ceiling.

Grandfathers house? I bet it's like an old trailer or something. "Gah! Why did mom do this? How am I going to tell Jane?"

"Marcus, Miss Flow is here!" My mother calls from the kitchen. Fuck! How am I gonna do this?

Okay Marcus, pull yourself together and go and tell her. Can't be that hard right? I look over at Grime. "Right?"

Beats me kid. I don't have a girlfriend.

"She's not my girlfriend," I mumble as I walk out of my room, past Grim who found my dads old porno magazine. I growl, "your gonna end up like my father with that thing."

Hmm. The demon thought. Running off with a whore? Still wouldn't be my worst decision.

I flip him off and walk down the hall. The pictures on the wall are of a happy family of me, my mom, and my dad. At the end is the picture of when they got married. I stop in my tracks and stare at it. Till death do us part, eh? Well father, your dead to me now.

I shake my head and go down the stair case to the living room, and stop half way down.

"Jane there's something we need to tell you." I can hear my mothers voice come from the kitchen and heard the screech of a chair being pulled out. "Come, sit."

"Y-yes Mrs. Blade?" Oh no. Moms gonna tell her we're moving. This is bad. I press close to the wall to try and hear better.

"Well umm, Hun." Thanks mom for making this sound better. I hurry down the rest of the stairs and round the corner, "you see, Marcus and I are-"

"Hey Jane," I interrupt my mom. Looking over to her, I can tell she's relieved that I came down when I did. And so was I. Mom wasn't exactly the best at giving bad news. Turning back to Jane, I can see the confusion covering her face. Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair, "listen, Jane. My mom and I, inherited my grandfathers house."

"That's great!" She said, and jumped up out of the chair scaring me, and I step back. "You guys made it sounds like someone died. Well, beside your grandfather, sorry bout that." She smiled at us, and my mom and I exchanged a quick look at each other.

"No Jane, we're moving into my grandfathers house. In Devils Grave, Main."

Her eyes widened as she finally got it. "Main? But that's all the way across the country! Mrs. Blade do you have to go?" My heart ached with the pain the was displayed on her face of losing me.

"I'm sorry but yes, we have to. My payment on the house we are in now, I can't make. And everything is paid for at the manor-"

"Manor?!" Jane and I said at the same time.

"We are moving into a manor? Like a big house, made of brick and stone, with lots of rooms, huge, secret passage ways?"

"Uh yes, like that," oh. My. God. This is gonna be so fun. I turn to Jane. "Jane, you can come visit if you can, and we can have so much fun exploring everything," I saw excitement roll into her eyes, but the lingering loss was still there, and I pull her close. "It's gonna be okay. We can text and FaceTime each other."

"Okay," she hugged me close, and I say Grime in the corner smiling.

Told you it could be good.

Oh hush you. But we are gonna have an adventure. I smile, and a plan forms into my head.

* * * * * * * * * *

"He's coming, he's coming, he's coming," the murmurs of the shadows arose throughout the house, as the news of him coming spread to every corner.

"SILENCE!" The guard yelled, and everything became quiet, "we have waited 17800 years for this to come, and we will not mess it up. Now, go back to your realms, and we will watch how this happens, and untill I give the order, you will not touch or harm the boy. Understood?"

They said yes, and vanished into their own paces.

The guard looked out the studies window, to the old church on the hill, "may God help you, and the Devil have mercy."

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