Chapter 7

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The hell did I read last night? I thought as I woke up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. Weird images danced in my mind, and the darkness around me didn't help. The sun just barely peaked into my window by the bed, little rays scattered around the floor. My little Munkin were asleep on the end of the bed, and I could hear the wind outside as it whipped tree branches against the house.

"Oh joy," I muttered, "another beautiful Monday." I start school today, at...oh god what was the name. Valkrinret High? I think that's it. The clock in the wall chimed seven o'clock. I have an hour to get ready.

Crawling out of bed, soon regretting it as the cold air hit my bare legs and chest, I grab the uniform that was sent in the mail and put it on. The mirror shows a 6' 4" male in a uniform a size too, with shaggy black hair and eyes that belongs on a doll. Not. Me. God I look ridiculous. Groaning, I brush my teeth and go down stairs, searching around until I find the kitchen-some how.

"Good morning pumpkin," mom said.

"Hey mom, got it ready?"

"Oh yes I do," she turned around, grabbing a plate of waffles and a cup of coffee, and placed it in front of me. The overall smell woke me up more than anything.

"Mmmmm," I dig in. Just as I finish my cup. The old clock chimed eight, and I rinse my stuff. "Got to go mom, I'll see you after school. Have fun today."

She kisses my cheek and I run out the door. My bike is at the front of the gate, and I look at the two gargoyles on the stone pillars.

"See ya," and I leave.

My first reaction was, oh good another run down school in the middle of nowhere. But then I saw it. Like a giant castle stacked on top of a palace on top of Olympus. This place could NOT of been a school. It had to be a trick, a-a-a... smoke and mirrors. Magic! That's it. Cause there is no way in hell that this is an actual school. But, there were students walking into the doors. Taking in the big sight, I take a deep breath and pull up my big boy pants. Time to show this town who Marcus Blade is.

Okay, not the reaction I was expecting. Entering, almost as if they could smell me, the kids lined up against the lockers, staring at me. Watching me. I could hear whispers, looking in the direction, two girls in skirts that are small for a doll, immediately shut up. Guys just keep looking at me like I'm a wolf trespassing on their territory, but they ain't got the guts to do anything bout it. It's almost dead quiet, I turn, and raise an eye brow.

"What y'all looking at? Get back to what you were doing," and with that they do. Like nothing happened. What is wrong with this school?

Finding my way to the principles office, I get my class schedule, locker and combo, and a note book. Yep, I'm prepared as shit. First class: Algebra I B. Fun. Hope I don't have to-

"Let's all give our new students a big welcome everybody." God fucking damnit! Already regretting EVERYTHING about my life. I look at the class of about 25-30 prisoners-I means students, and feel like I'm in the circus freak show. They clap, put all their energy into it. Which isn't much since its 9 am on a Monday. Sitting, I try to pay attention to the assignment on the bored about SOLVING INEQUALITIES, but the lug nut behind me had his gaze so fixated on the back of my head, I'm almost certain he can see my brain.

Yo, Grim. Wake up.

I can just barely recognize the half asleep Monkins voice. Whaaaat? It's my sleep in day go away.

Oh no, stay awake. I need you hear now. No response. Few seconds later, he appears on my shoulder stretching and covering his fanged mouth with his paw.


Damn, lose the tude.

Fuck off.

Alright alright. Geez. This guy behind me, why's he drilling a whole into my skull with his eyes?

Grim turns around and looks at the guy behind me, not saying a word. Couple minutes later- this is your own problem, do it yourself. He disappears.

Well thanks a lot asshole. I roll my eyes and turn around, looking this kid in the eye. "Dude, I can feel you eye fucking the back of my head. Stop. It's weird." He looks at his paper and starts doing the problems on the bored, wrong might I add.

I groan. This is gonna be a long day.

Correction. Long ass day. I've been stared at more than playboy, asked out by 7 different girl, and called down to the principles office for correcting a teacher who was telling everyone that Columbus discovered America. Yep. Mother fucking perfect. Not to mention I had to try and navigate the fucking place. God! I lost more weight running from class to class than I would running a 5k 8 times. I groan.

Getting home, finally, I head right to my room and turn and lock the door. Peace and quiet. Forget homework, I'm sleeping. Flopping down on the bed, I pull my pillow close and close my eyes. Slowly drifting to sleep.

What the? Whispers? Where? Why? I don't dare move. I can hear whispers coming from somewhere, but I can't understand them. Slowly, I open up my eyes and look around. No one. I sit up, and look around the room. A breeze comes from the wall, and I look at the banner that hung from the wall. It's... Swaying. Moving! It's moving!

Jumping out of bed, I move to the banner and poke at it, tugging slightly. Then... WRIIIIIIIPPPP!!! I tear down the banner to find...

A wall. I find a wall. What the hell. I swear there was something here. Sliding my hand across the stone, trying to find where the breeze was from. My hand slides over a crack and, BINGO! A breeze. I move my hand I fallow the crack, and find it makes a rectangle shape over the wall. A door! A secret door! OMG I'm geeking out inside!

I can't fit my fingers in the crack, so I can't pull. Maybe if I... Shoving my shoulder hard into the wall, it gives a bit. Also. GOD THAT FUCKING HURT!! But progress. Shoving harder, the wall-door opens up enough for me to slip inside. My Monkin then decide to show up.

An adventure? Asked Grim.

"Oh yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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